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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. Syth is at work right now, work is boring.

  2. Tamed 5 more wolves after they all disappeared. Still Bryndolf to keep the RP going.

  3. Tamed a wolf, named him Bryndolf. Thinking about magic now?

  4. Teamspeak was for the other event. I don't use it for LotC.

  5. Testing the compatibility of 1.3.1 with the plugins on Us2.lordofthecraft.net Yes, it's online, and it has plugins. Just for testing :3

    1. MrSyth


      Just met Tythus online. He's cool.

    2. MrSyth


      Danny, Tythus and Aoze playing around on Us2.lordofthecraft.net

  6. Thank you, Khylast.

  7. Thank you, so Incredibly much for unbanning me. So... Is any of the stuff I had in Aegis lost? My home, my items, my village?

  8. Thanks for nuking the kha skypechat. You know who you are.

  9. Thanks Urara, for that amazing art.

  10. That moment when awesome people come back.

  11. That person when awesome people come back.

  12. That was an OOC profile post about me being annoyed, you can't just permanently ban me out of the military for that :P I mean come on.

  13. That's it, I've had enough of this. #Taking a week off of work.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amorphbutt


      That means more LoTC for you! Here, have a holy hand grenade. *pulls the pin out, and throws at you*

    3. gingernut97


      Get back Suthaerin! *clubs grenade with butt of shotgun*

    4. Amorphbutt


      *flies into a rabbit's mouth* BOOM! That was for his place of work! I wanted to destroy it! You fool, you have doomed Sythaerin!

  14. The 2.4 update is nice. Does anyone know the spawn rates of ocelots?

  15. The awkward moment you find yourself wanting to RP in a topic but then realizing your char is too far away from where the rp is happening. 3 more days.

  16. The ban game... it's changed.

  17. The Elven voice. I'ma win it. You know it.

  18. The Elysium outburst: http://imgur.com/a/5eiM9#0

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cappy


      *wipes tear from eye*

      Beautifully captured.

    3. MrSyth


      Thank you, Lord Cappy.

    4. gingernut97


      Bacon for all!

  19. The feeling, that is inside you, will always be the right one.

    1. Distuth


      I feel like I have to poop right now.

    2. Distuth


      Does that count?

  20. The june calender is very interesting.


    1. Kim


      keep calm and photoshop on

  22. The New Era... Kal'Alras. Just saw the new leader and Moruk 'n some others. The seem to be doing good to the city. Now let's get me a job, shall we?

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