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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. How in the world are you able to kill endermen? I've so far only killed one and it took me all night! Please, reveal your secret to me.

  2. Patrollin' for the Alras Military.

    Tryin' to catch me right 'n dirty.

  3. That was an OOC profile post about me being annoyed, you can't just permanently ban me out of the military for that :P I mean come on.

  4. ((I'm still waiting for further notice on my app for the military, could you please make a decision? I feel like I'm being forgotten. Thanks.))

  5. So, as a major that is? My former rank would support that.

  6. Alright... I just thought, since I've been in the military for months and everything...

  7. Do you mean 2 forum accounts?

  8. Teamspeak was for the other event. I don't use it for LotC.

  9. Hey Tseet, where have you been? I haven't seen you in Alras for ages!

  10. So your era on lotc is now officially over? I'm gonna miss you.

  11. Is it wrong that I find your picture...

    Attractive, kind of?

  12. Bahlok do hin nus strun zeim do hin sil.

  13. Mu lost thu'um do dovah. Mu lost sahrot do lein.

  14. Hey silverblade, how're braxis and tara doing?

  15. Posting lots of messages to yourself... I felt bad for you, here's a new one

  16. Hey Rasun, how is Kal'Alras doing? Any big news? I'll be back in 4 days :3

  17. Please don't kill your char off. I like Caseus the way he is.

  18. Hello young lotc'er. May your time on the server be good.

  19. Why don't you visit Kal'Alras? I'd love to have you over for tea sometime. It's been so long.

  20. By the way, How's your new coat treatin' ya? Is it warm enough?

  21. 'Everything that once was Alras is gone, as is its hope of ever shining once again.' Hazia Nicalson, june 13th 2012. Well, seems like Hazia was wrong. Alras is doing better then ever!

  22. Your interests dazzle me.

  23. I am going to get you for killing me.

  24. Aislin ffs just come back. Kal'Alras isn't the same without you.

  25. First profile comment :D Good luck on getting your application accepted! And if you can, please mention me with my acc name on the app. I heard I get a small bonus ;)

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