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Status Updates posted by MrSyth

  1. Wtf? Some guy just told me Alras went at war with Renatus? Is this true?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. everblue2er101


      Apparently a Renatus official said we were planning to attack Alras... time for a thorough investigation

    3. JoakimVonAnka


      Alras aswell? Oh my...

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Everyone evacuate from Renatus and leave em :3

  2. Yes, I've returned! Half a year has passed, I heard MA's were back and we're moving so I'm giving you all another shot. On to the 4-year anniversary!

  3. Yo GM/ET's, is there supposed to be a reward here?

  4. You cannot pass! ... YOU... SHALL NOT... PASS! -dies-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrSyth


      -comes back from death, even brighter (no PG at all)- YOU SHALL NEVER GET ME! YOU SHALL NOT PASS! -starts continuesly beating staff into the ground-

    3. Goldd


      *makes a fire bolt at Gandalf* Save your pity and your mercy; I have no use for it!

    4. MrSyth


      Gandalf_The_Black: Come at me.

  5. You have gained a level in Blacksmithing (45) Awww yea. 10 more levels for iron toolz.

    1. MrSyth


      Also, now able to repair iron armor.

    2. Senda



    3. Reader


      I will stalk you until you repair my Weaponz

  6. You know it's sexy...

    It's the new Alrasian flag for Alras 3.0 (aka High(tower) Alras)

  7. You know nothing. You know absolutely nothing. I was never Mysterious_Blade. LEAVE ME ALONE!

  8. You know we out of control; No brakes. Your birthday party sucked; No cakes.

  9. You know.. updating the wiki is actually quite fun.

  10. You're aware of the fact you misspelt Altaïr in your name, right?

  11. You're my new favourite GM.

  12. You're not my wife. You're my mother. I don't want you calling your daugther 'babe'. Piss off.

  13. You're not on the goldhand member list, an orc cannot be a goldhand. Said clan is based upon them being connected in bloodline, that's impossible for an orc. And a whitewash orc is simply one living amongst the other races and never going back to the Uzg, it's not like you're not an orc anymore.

  14. Your elven disappoints me. *cough* Van'ayla means Farewell *cough*

  15. Your interests dazzle me.

  16. Your profiel background is tripping me out. You should put up an anti-epilepsy warning.

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