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The Fact Core

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About The Fact Core

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    Supreme Leader of Spooky

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    Veldryn and Boogie Man
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  1. A blue individual once said "First the shoes, what's next!? Socks!? That's horrific to think about!"
  2. The Boogie Man/ Zelak Here we go, keeping it short as I forgot the most. 1. How long have you been playing your character, and how have they changed and developed RPly? 2. What are some small nuances or details in your character that might not be so obvious to other players upon interaction? For example, I often use the hand movements of my snow elf to express certain metaphors or his state of mind. Zelak just like the Boogie Man has a VERY high interest in playing games, especially if a high bet is on the line. He can't really resist in playing a game and tries everything to win, he hates to lose, such a bad loser. 3. Does / Did your character have a strong bond with another character that you found to be memorable based on what it was founded on? (Characters who had a brotherly relationship, romantic, rivalry, etc.) So many people over the time with Boogie, some were good and others were bad. Can't remember most. 4. What's the most badass thing your character has ever done? Destroying Malinor with a tree Turning the Cloud Temple into a spooky mine opperation Creating Soul Puppetry Manipulating another villain to destroy a small faction Manipulating a Nationleader from the back in order to get easy access into the capital Manipulating multiple people to do his daily unlikable tasks Traumatizing many people, ruining their lives or causing them to develop into strong individuals counts as Badass? Summoning a Apparition in order to force it to attack multiple cities for fun Being kidnapped by Orcs as a slave, just to force them to be his slaves Building a large moving castle, that ran off Making fun of a Antagonist with bad jokes about his/ her mom 5. Character Art? I don't have those anymore 6. Anything else you'd like to talk about regarding your character? Playing as the villain was very fun, turning into a super villain to give other players even more enjoyment was even more fun. Will I ever play the Boogie Man again? Not at all. I don't even play often and am very casual around. I tried to get back into villainy, but currently, it's not as enjoying as it was back when there were many other named villains around, giving players self-made events. I just wish for villains to be classy again, less of a "hurr hurr, I'm evil!" and more where they take part into developing other characters story, because villains are the greatest foe to overcome in order to grow.
  3. OOC ((MC Name: )) FactButt ((Discord: )) DoctorLalve#0064 ((Timezone: )) GMT+1 IN-CHARACTER What is your name? Zelak Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? I once was a mage until I lost everything because of godly powers and currently am without a successfull goal to fulfill my own existence in this realm of the self-aware people. Probably am trying to give magical stuff a less "evil" view. What arts, if any, do you currently practice? None What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? Practicus When should you be contacted for an interview? No idea, give me a time and I may approve.
  4. Music for comfortable reading stuff Zelak's last tea party Zelak moved towards the steps and up the large stage of the theatre. A live performance was choosen by the people and so he had to act out! „What's the difference between a pineapple and a apple? The one has needles while the other is smooth as skin!“ The crowd cheered at the bad joke, laughing out in delight as he told multiple bad jokes and puns everybody loved. The night was long, yet the light always was spot on, on him alone. „You believe, it's time to get off the stage? The people are tired of the performance already.“ Said the shadow man with the top hat, the next performer in this show. Zelak struggled as he tried to remember any more jokes he could tell to make the people love him more, yet nothing came up and so he had to get off the stage. At the side, he had to look at the shadow man with the top hat doing his performance. The dark elf was confused, that he told jokes and the crowd laughed louder than they did with his own. The night was even longer with the shadow man's performance. After the night returned, the last joke was spoken and a balloon flew up to the ceiling of the theatre. Zelak looked up at the balloon before he saw the crowd removing themself. The dark elf followed after them and out of the building. A few peacocks crawled up onto a tree and it suddenly turned into a rainbow as Zelak was outside. „It's not like I tried.“ Said a shadow man's voice and Zelak had to look after him, following him before he found himself back inside a cold village. Nobody was around and the buildings were destroyed, yet one door remained open and the dark elf moved inside. The warmth of candles and the smell of freshly made black and green tea filled the air as Zelak found himself inside a dining room and a large table with colorful pillows on each seat, filling them up with the fluffness of the pillows. He took a seat at the end of the table, grabbing a cup of green tea as he took a sip, grabbing a muffin and a cupcake to eat. „Don't be stupid about that whole thing, it's not like I have enough fingers.“ Said the shadow man with the top hat, who took a seat next to the dark elf. „Why don't you just eat both at the same time? It's not like they taste like chocolate. They don't change“ Said a shadow person on one of the many seats in a musical voice. Zelak ate the cupcake, but it turned into a potato before he could do anything else. „Don't you love the air? Well, I do as I am a fish!“ Said a huge fish, sitting on a seat, breathing air like a maniac. A small box landed on Zelak's plate, a small gift in purple, no yellow, no blue...in so many colors at the same time. He opened the gift and was excited to find, that nothing was inside. „Happy Birthday!“ Said the potato, he didn't want to eat. While Zelak was all night inside the dining room, having a tea party, the spotlight was always set on him. „I can't see anything.“ Said the dark elf to himself with a grand smile and without fear. The darkness was visible, but a small light at the corner of his eye opened something for him and he laughed. He opened his eyes in the night „It's how it is, what a wonderful sunlight!“. ooc:
  5. Music for Athmosphere! Long ago, in a distant land, Anthos to be specific, there was a Scarecrow man named the Boogie Man. He first appeard in a random city in human lands, annoying the citizens and cursing badly about. He was just a simple annoyance but over the years, turned into a real villainous figure over the lands of Anthos and beyond! Calling people bad names, cursing them with unspeakable terror! The Boogie Man was just a real funny guy, who loved to be as villainous as possible. The lands crumbled, new appeard out of nowhere. The Boogie Man always wanted to achieve the ultimate entertainment imaginable and yet, at the end of all things...He did it! The Scarecrow Overlord of Darkness and Destruction as he called himself, because no one thought about giving him a good title, was at the end bored of the world around him. Nothing was clear for his sightless gaze, he always thought about something new, how he would achieve his goal? Yet it took him some....hundred of years or something, that the people don't need him anymore. A heroic person like him did his job and now it's the turn of the people to destroy themself as it was foretold by the pumpkin lord. He lifted his fabulous top hat one last time into the air, burned a random and cuddly puppet because why not? He looked at Almaris and just laughed at the sight of that new land, he could've overthrown another kingdom in secret, destroy another forest or just once more create another dark art for people to have fun with, yet at the end he just needed to leave and find something else, maybe something beyond the current world. His professional villainous laughter echo'd out to cause a disturbance in the force for a few seconds before he just attached a few balloons (Or whatever the F*** they were made of) onto a army of birds. "And so, the Boogie Man flows with the wind." The day has come for the world to allow another old villain, maybe one of the last classic guys, to disappear. So the Boogie Man waved his army of birds off into the clouds, took his amazing walking stick and marched off into the sunset...or is he? Maybe not, who knows what he actually did at the end since nobody really saw him beside the birds...as mysterious as he was, this is his end. Over the lands of Almaris, maybe the people can spot the balloons attached on some birds in the clouds! A few fly down towards specific groups or people, a last sign from the Boogie Man... - One Balloon lands on the Druid grove, a little gift for his most favorite group. His fabulous Top hat! Maybe a bit sorched at the edges, yet it smells like chocolate, yum! One small message at the side: "The Boogie Man's End, it was fun" - One Balloon lands on the head of the Druid Gi'Garun, a gift for his favorite old nemesis! His favorite tea cup, that also smells like chocolate and a small message: "The Boogie Man's End, it was fun" - Some more Balloons may randomly land for some people to pick the last gift of the Boogie Man up, yet those always have a black button, from clothes or dolls, that smell like chocolate and with the same message: "The Boogie Man's End, it was fun" OOC:
  6. IGN: FactButt Category: Building Artwork: A sad and tragic scene ~ Mother and Father dragon, love till the end of time
  7. Most pointed out some obvious issues within roleplay itself. I personally only hear about "Tavern Roleplay" and that's totally correct, even if it's not a tavern, players just sit around in a spot and talk with each other doing "slice of life roleplay". As a new player, I sure would expect some magical things to happen on something, that should actually be focused on the fantasy element. Some players might like that kind of roleplay and it can be relaxing to just be casual for a while. It's completely amazing to have multiple options of roleplay, be it combat or cooking etc. But as a new player, I expect fantastic and magical things to happen, instead of talking about my new haircolor. We all were new and remember the first time playing, I did and it was interesting, even if I got murdered by bandits who tricked me. But that little event was already enough for me to continue onward. If I logged in and just moved into a tavern, talking about haircolor, it would be fine the first time but if it continues on and nothing happens outside of the shelter, I get bored and return back to playing something much better, ultimately quitting the server after if it gets repeated over and over again. I flopped onto the server because I liked the fantasy aspect and wanted to try roleplay out with it's element. In short: it might feel like a game with lot of expectations (Fantasy, Dragons! I can be a Elf and blame Gandalf for my feet! etc.), but at release and playing for some hours, it turned out to be boring.
  8. Does that make me your second favorite builder? I know I didn't build anything for years since I left the ET. I stalk you on discord.
  9. Merry Christmas

    1. Sorcerio


      Merry Christmas!

  10. Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle

  11. Congratulations to all that participated!
  12. I don't know people, scars are hot.
  13. Good work on all, that worked on the new map. I personally believe it is the prettiest.

  14. Took quite long to have a change, it's a good different style.
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