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Everything posted by Sporadic

  1. You, my good sir, are obsessed. Yes, we are an open-ended server. Yes, we allow lore contributions from everyone. I've made some myself when I felt I was ready to do so. However, you are so deeply preoccupied with this Cthulhu cult that you absolutely can't reasonably see that it's possible to have a good time on this server without it. I don't know where this preoccupation stems from, and even less why you try to introduce your lore into a server you have just joined. I can only assume you really don't like this server for its lore but rather as a vessel to shove your squid down people's throats. You're already vastly reforming the entire lore and adding a new Demigod to the two that are already established, and that's not a good first step. You are most welcome here, but your stay in this server is going to be met with a lot of resistance if you keep forcing lore (and lawyering rules, but that's another story). If this Cthulhu thing is such a dealmaker, go make a Cthulhucraft server: We won't stop you. Otherwise, do the thing I did when I joined: Sit, listen, gain some knowledge, lurk some more, and be accepted into the fold. TLDR: Chtulhu will not be accepted, no matter how many references to original Aegis lore you make. There may be other servers who will like it, but we will not. Apologies for the harshness, but you really don't seem to be getting it.
  2. Tidings, pursuers of history. I have finished indexing our findings into a new book and will soon spread our work for public perusal. I am also copying a fascinating report down upon fresher and more preservable paper. We consider our work done on the site of Inwe. We will break up camp as soon as the final excavations on the Dark Elf cavern systems have been completed by my competent colleague. We invite you all to earnestly educate yourself by visiting the site: You will not be disappointed. To those who have attempted to contact us in the past days, I regret your queries went unanswered. Sting Surion is currently coping with responsibilities elsewhere, but I am sure you will find a response headed your way at his earliest opportunity. After this, we must see if we have the strength and interest left for a next endaevour. I would be glad to accompany a new project, but have not yet discussed with anyone about possible leads for a worthwhile excavation. I hope to hear more about this as Sting, and perhaps our more wayward members, find time for feasible field frivolities. ((Oh, and get me on skype))
  3. Sabet, 28th of Snows Maiden, 1316: We are starting to uncover multiple grottos that may have served as cave dwellings and hiding spaces for the dark elves. These caverns seem damp and cramped, and I would abhor spending just one night in one of them. The original inhabitants must have used them out of necessity, perhaps a fear of being found if they spend too much time above the surface. One of the caverns is directly below the largest tree of the village, baring its roots and the water that feeds it. I wonder if the elves tampered with this pool of water in some way, in order to have the tree grow to its unusual vastness. Spending too much time in this grotto makes me ill at ease, my senses urging me to leave. This feeling might be the remnant of an ancient spell ment to keep intruders out. If this is true, I can only assume that within this grotto is something the former owners did not want to be found.
  4. Irba, 4th of Sun's Smile, 1316: I have found an old tome amongst the ruins of the Dark Elven settlement. It denotes that the Dark Elves in Inwe were hunted by a people they called 'Marauders', a group that finally found and attacked the village. This may have been the cause of their disappearance, but that's anything but confirmed. This book is not written in old elvish, but in common Aegis tongue. We might be able to derive a time period from this, or a taboo for using elvish in written work. Either way, the journal uses the word 'Velulaei', which possibly means 'Moon'. They speak of the moon as if she is an entitiy, like a goddess or a spirit. I wonder if this could be more than silly superstition of a primitive race.
  5. *A copy of an archaeologist's journal was sent to the guildhouse for perusal* My notes on Inwe Joma, 20th of The Second Seed, 1316: The Original Dark Elves of Inwe seemed to live within the forest, having trees for homes. In conflict with their orc neighbours, they hid themselves amongst the thick darkwood trees and found shelter and peace here. Their houses are made of simple wooden constructions, preferring to live in the inside of thicker trees. Despite this preference, they were not keen on climbing, and dug cavernous dwellings below their houses as possible shelter and storage. The grove within Inwe was the reason the Dark Elves split from Malinor. They worshipped the moon over the sun. This is evident from seeing their sacred pool, as it was built so that moonlight would reflect in it during their nightly gatherings. In time, Dark Elves learned to weave forests and perhaps even draw the moon's power into magical abilities. Their chantings of old seem to echo within the pool still. It's possible that the Dark Elves had an order much like the Druids, but this is unconfirmed. Tolta, 24th of The Second Seed, 1316: There is a strange sort of energy wafting this place. It surrounds the pool like mist. I feel it strongest in the mornings, as the dew hangs from the leaves and the moon's touch is still fresh upon the pool. It is revitalizing, like waking from a long sleep. Some traces of the Mali'Ker magic might still linger here.
  6. It seems you have made impressive headway, and I lament that I could not have been there myself. I hope I will be informed as excavation progresses, and I will attempt to intercept you at the site at the first moment possible - Rivell.
  7. Tidings. Your notice didn't fail to acquire attention. I, Rivell Gordian, find my field research distinctly dragging as of late and am looking for a project of prestige to undertake. RP name: Rivell Gordian In Game Name: xzpepijnzx Race: Human, Southeron Historian or excavator?: Historian. I'd much rather focus on discovering lore than mindless digging. Main job or extra job?: I can devote enough time on this project for it to be considered my main job. Describe what you would do in this guild, what do you look forward to?: The same lands on which caviling cobblers spill their life essences harbors history rich and fascinating, and I am sure our assiduities will be time smartly spent. In this endeavor I will be glad to see a piece of history uncovered and accessible to the many travelers, and would take pride in increasing immersion for the Aegis population as they go about their routines.
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