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Everything posted by Sporadic

  1. Excellent work, Elindor! Your contributions will be much appreciated, as always. However, it seems we still disagree on the word krah for death, procured from Aerin Lissar who suggests the duality of elven concepts. I would insist that 'not living' may not be considered equivalent to 'death'. Two words for opposing concept are scattered all through the language. Day and Night, Hard and Soft. Furthermore, I must argue that the -ir suffix is meant for persons, and that anything containing 'yallir' would bring to mind 'one who is death', perhaps a departed or a ghost. One who is not death, well, what is that but another mortal? ((Have you noticed how verbs seem to lend themselves for the -ir suffix much better than nouns? It's like you said. I move that we try to make as much verb seed words as possible.))
  2. ((^^ Oh wow, Everard gets stuff DONE. Very impressed. Anyway, I figured a teaching position would help me some with my zealous quest in spreading the language among the population. It also would help me personally to get some more grip on the language. Currently, the complex sentence structures (namely with multiple verbs involved) are driving me insane. Very demotivating. Also, it just sounds fun :). So if you find it fitting I'd love it if you could get me a classroom and some students.)) Application for Teacher [OOC] MC Name: xzpepijnzx [OOC] Age: 19 [OOC] Times on Server (convert to GMT): Depends on my schedule, but as a rule of thumb whenever I'm required from 5-12. Name: Rivell Age: 32 Field of Study: Ancient Elven Experience/s in this field: I've studied the language of the Elves for many months, rebuilding it from the foundations laid by brilliant Aerin Lissar and with the help of many learned scholars with a taste for adventure. Experience/s as a teacher: None, though I find myself drawn towards writing up books that are educational as well as entertaining. Referee (not to explain how good at you are at RP or if you're nice but someone who can speak honestly about your strengths and weaknesses) Name [and MC Name]: I'm sort of hoping you know what I'm about by now.
  3. Updated. I'll make a changelog later. Also put yours in, Elin :)
  4. eurn for toucan... hell yeah. There's probably no toucans in the elven world, though. Maybe I can make it 'bird'. Though I'll want a word for 'Hawk' to make the elvish name thread happy :P. Anyway, dangerously prone to elitism as I am, of course I don't want to see the language dumbed down. And Google translate Elvish would be my nightmare come true. But there's a lot in between pure English and pure Elvish. Proverbs, phrases, greetings, common sayings, are sentences on themselves. They work even if the rest of sentences is English. It adds depth and culture to every character for minimal effort.
  5. If a common to elven dictionary is made, that's fine by me. I do not want to monopolize this language to my personal wishes, as it ultimately belongs to the community. So, if you make one, I'll put a link to it in this thread even. I just feel like it'll have people miss out on the wealth of the language. Few english words have a direct Elven equivalent, so you'll never use the word exactly as you intend to. If you learn the elvish word first, you realize it's roots and why it means what it means. The ominous nature of acal would never become clear to you, for example. In language there is culture, and I wish to deliver both to whoever reads this topic. Speaking semi-elvish is a good idea. I can recommend it. Though I personally like sentences either in pure english or pure elvish. As I said before, common phrases and outcries are easily integrated in everyday conversation, and it's easy to go a bit further than that by adopting your own elvish stock phrases and apply them where possible. Also, I only believe in playing a character smarter than you to an extent. If someone plays a renowned linguist but rites liek dis and doesn't know the meaning of 'voluptuous', then they can't 'unmeta' that away. The same goes for playing a master smith but having no idea how a metal sword is usually forged ((you right click da iron blocks rite?)). Maybe you can get away with it with swordsmanship, since in Minecraft combat, there is no RP. I believe in RP with research. Meaning, if you're going to be a proper major general, you should learn to tell a mausser rifle from a javeln. And if you're going to be a proper Elven language speaker, you should learn Elvish. Also, added two words: van: to fare ern: to can, to be able to.
  6. OOC: The dictionary is aligned Elvish to Common, as are most dictionaries that describe an 'ancient' languages. It's a status quo. If you want common words you're gonna have to get good with CTRL+F. Besides, I don't want people quickly referencing to this thread in IG chat as it is major metagaming. It's annoying, I agree fully, but fair. Also, nothing's stopping you from realigning the dictionary to Common->Elvish for personal use. It's a lot of work (one of the reasons I won't), but then you'll have your field guide AND you probably know most words by heart already, so great! Yes, the 'tool' words (Fer' prefix) are coming up next, a long with the 'to fare' word to make the 'how do you fare?' and 'farewell' group of common phrases. I'm currently going over the way nanatsuno's friend used the word: I'm not a great fan of their way, so I'm looking for a way to simplify it to our needs. So you'll be able to use the arrow words soon enough! The wiki has a lot of OOC information on common combinations. If you're more serious in getting to combine your own words, the wiki page is going to help you out a LOT. Mali'Ker and friends are in there, as are a dozen of other words that you'll probably find useful. The reason they're not in the 'tome' (IC post, the thread) is because a: it would become cluttered and b: i want to challenge readers in creating their own combinations. Some will be wrong, but some might be truly interesting. Nobody can ICly attest to their language being correct Elven or not. I don't know either. I also peeve myself on people who don't seem to draw a line between IC and OOC. Hence my support in making this forum RP-only. EDIT: You can use the word Tal'Aengul, but remember that the elven language died out BEFORE the coming of the ascended. You won't find any ancient elves referencing to them in their tongue.
  7. Actually 'prince' is Malaurir, which makes High Prince Malaurir'aheral
  8. There's a section on it in the grammar section. Using 'to be' and 'to have' in elvish is very complicated as it's not used in the way we're accommodated to. I suggest you read it. An example: 'Acaln ito Mali'leh': Gold to the elf's spirit -> The Elf is gold (golden?) Yes, very counterintuitive. Also: 'Acaln ito Mali': Gold to the elf -> The Elf HAS gold. Take special atttention to the possessive form here ('leh). A neophyte to elvish might just want to take these examples as is, but explanation for it can be found in the OP.
  9. Go for it! Also, I'm going to add that if you need an Elven name custom-made, you can always give me a reply and I'll go Well, I wouldn't say their names were inproper before (with one or two exceptions, perhaps), but if people want to use lore-founded names, all the more power to them! I'm just giving them the option.
  10. ((I do like the Orc language. It's very fitting and readily applicable. EDIT: I'd like to say I'm not the one who -1'd the Orc post. I know when stuff is meant IC.)) High Elf is Mali'Aheral (Lit: Blessed Elf). Used to be Mali'Aher but due to a grammatical change... Well, spreading-wise, just have your own phrasebook ready. Outcries and such are easily scattered in everyday conversation, as are a few hello/goodbye phrases. Use them enough and people will wonder. (Having to think about how you'd reply to ingame convo's in elvish also helps realizing what words the vocabulary is really lacking, and what words are used often. There's no better way to see how well the actual language works.) If your character isn't a wise old scholar IG, I tend to use them in some forum occassions as well, either in OOC or IC posts. I personally also created the 'Elf up your name' guide to further create awareness among new players.
  11. The Elven dialect is a noble, mysterious and ancient language which has been gradually studied and recovered, starting at Aerin Lissar and his two companions, for four Seasons now. The... blah... was the brainchild of an Orc's little too intimate meeting with a club, whereupon he decided his race's collective inability to converse properly may as well be called a 'language'. To say the Elven tongue attempts to mimick the Orcen is as preposterous as suggesting the Black Hand was inspired by the cult of Krakeshut.
  12. ((It's Mali'Ker, adjective comes as a suffix to the noun/verb in most cases. The original post is a public tome, an IC one, and therefore studying it is not metagaming. It's up to you to recognize how studious your character is. )) This makes me very happy. Though admittedly a lot of that may be my zealot quest to imprint the language on you all as much as possible ;)
  13. ((Oh I can get on board with that. Nice call! Ob, but I was going to make the 'kin afix to mean born, because DOVAHKIN!))
  14. To our knowledge, the last known Elf to name with actual Elven words was Malin himself, founding Malinor and Laurelin. Of course, Journeyman scribes have always used words they reckoned to be Elven and used these in their own nomenclature. Sometimes these words check out, and sometimes they do not. So instead, I'd ask you what you think the word means, and we will cross-reference it with our acquired collections and the works of Aerin Lissar
  15. Forester wolf? I suppose, but I don't see how that means anything. Chirr'Ame would be 'forest wolf'. This would have more meaning.
  16. Uhm, this doesn't work for all words, but usually you put an apostrophe (') between them.
  17. Nov. 17 Quick Changelog: Introduced the -sae affix family. Allows for many new words. Created the -ii suffix and the matali- prefix combination for even more words. Many new words added! Most of them focused on giving names to the block types in minecraft (most block types now have an elven name, items don't yet) Added 5 elven colors: White, black, red blue and gray Gave both this thread and the wiki sections per letter (standard dictionary style) Added a few useful phrases to the wiki, to be used in everyday conversation. Attempted to fine-tune the elven language for popular use and accessibility in-game.
  18. ((Actually I gave Mechawolf the green light on writing books about the elven language. Mostly this amounts to progress reports and ties in with his other projects, such as the Wardens. Of course, Mecha hasn't been around lately. I suppose if you don't want anyone else writing about it we won't give express permission. It's only a little bit more time until Nanatsuno's notes are integrated and we'll have a pretty usable language, anyway.))
  19. ((I'm just afraid that further seperation than that between affixes and seed words will no longer be possible, considering the great amount of different words that can be formed from the same seed word, verbs nouns and adjectives. Unless you want to name each seed word thrice (once in each catagory) the recombination just becomes too much.
  20. Now they can do that too, but in elvish! Thanks :) Keep it in mind if your character happens to die a tragic and heroic death ;)
  21. (( More Elven Language Resources: )) Hey there new RPers. Good to see you're reading the guide section. Undoubtedly, as you were creating a character for yourself you had to think of a name. Chances are your minecraft name doesn't suffice (L33tbro666 just doesn't feel very fantasy, now does it?) and while you COULD always go with something tried and true like Legolas, it might not feel right for you to introduce yourself like that. Luckily, for Elven players there is hope! Why not pick a name with ACTUAL ROOTS in the eldest language of Aegis? Make your character the proud owner of a name with MEANING, and have it flavor your character in a way nothing else could. I am one of the keepers of the Elven language, and I'm here to help out! I've distilled some words from the LotC-Elven dictionary that can be readily used as a character name. There's enough to pick from for every type and alignment of character, and I'll be updating the list regularly to make sure we won't have too many identically-named elves running around. Without further ado, the list: ANIMALS: Athri: Serpent Vuln: Fox Chirr: Wolf Alor: Salmon Turr: Sheep Turrii: Lamb Barbu: Hedgehog (also: black, dark) NOUNS: Ullral: Monster (lit: decayed) Aelor: Beast Ker: Night Lirr: Friend Naeri: Priest, Devout one Elsil: The sword Taliamonn: Treeborn Elsiimah: The tower Malii: Little elf Yuln: Gem Dovahkin: Dragonborn (no not really; Dragonborn would be "Athri'narncael'onn"; good luck pronouncing that!) Ellir: The Friend Eloem: The one Vallei: Water Velulaei: Moon Maln: Father CONCEPTS: Sirame: Honour Hileia: Peace Leyun: Beauty Maehr: Wisdom Igne: Fire Acaele: Heaven, Sky Elacal: (the) Golden, (the) Cursed Ceru: Strength Iheiu: Wind Khel: Darkness Sioln: Loneliness Suliin: vision Mayilu: Loved Llumn: sorrow PROFESSIONS: Amir: Forester Evarir: Protector Maehrir: Sage Averir: Adventurer Aylir: Well-doer, benefactor. Vulnir: Trickster Avern: Wanderer Aheral: Blessed Walehir: Healer Laurir: Noble Tossair: Marauder, Raider Parir: Harbinger, messenger Illera: Gift Elibar: The Owl Lirrame: Friend of the forest Salumir: Empath Civir: Fisherman COMPOSITIONS: Names composed out of two or more Elven words: Ellir'siol: The Lonely Friend Chirr'ker: Dark Wolf Elsan'ayla: The Good News If you end up using any of these names, please let me know here! I always love to hear I've helped people out, and it also lets me know if too many people are using the same name. Also, if you want a specific elven name that's not on the list, do not hesitate to leave a reply here. I have the time to find you something suited precisely to your needs. And yeah, these names tend to be very unisex. Elves are like that...
  22. ((I've been trying to update the wiki page. Things are getting confusing, but I think I'm faring all right))
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