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Everything posted by Sporadic

  1. Well, if others are going to deal with pronunciation that's one less thing for me to deal with. Remember to talk all LotC-elfish at minecon for maximum RP cred!
  2. Ah, you are most welcome among us, Dante! I hope that soon I will have a chance to brief you in person. ((You definitely may. Right now it's just Archaeology, and for people busy with multiple other things, like yourself, means you won't get too involved. However, as you can tell there's multiple other projects in the works, all releated to lore and history in some way, in which your help will be much appreciated. When you do apply, I'll brief you ingame about the specifics.)) Of course your contributions will be much appreciated, to whatever extend you choose. I contacted and keep in touch with multiple scholars all around the continent. It is most useful for those who value our historic roots. As such, I do hope you keep us posted with whatever you may be able to provide.
  3. Yes, after the ghastly experience that has befallen my home, I am all up and about once more, and I will get in touch at the earliest possible moment. Ambros, I do keep in touch with Cerlos, who I presume is the one you mention. I know that he is far too busy collecting and categorizing books to actually partake in the Historians' projects, though I would say a position as honorary scholar would be fitting. However, I ask you not to worry, because when the need for a guild house arises, I'm sure we will be able to supply for this need.
  4. Added were: ah: Blessed. Adjective. Often used in front of names to denote sainthood. aher: bless. (a)caele: sky. - The plural, caelan, is used to reference to the Seven skies and with that, God. When to use an a in front is unknown. evar: Protected - Adjective only, not a perfect tense hileia: Peace. - Has no plural hiylu: Health / spirit sirame: Honour and connection to the forest. - Has no plural I also like the word Vileyah, but I was been planning a suffix for the respectful tense (just like japanese has honorifics like -chan, -san and -sensei. The reason I'm on the fence is... language says a lot about a culture. VonEbs: As far as I can tell, the elves didn't have the theta sound (th). Sorry. :\ I'm also hesitant about 'sh', just as a general pondering. Acaelan ahereh naean'leh, lirran - Skies favor you, friends!
  5. The Archeologists are obsolete. We've revamped the guild over here: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/19662-historians-of-aegis/ And would be happy to have you apply. May I request a lock over here?
  6. Structurally, the language is like japanese (as per nanatsuno). This means subject-object-verb, or 'that dog fluffy tail has'. I see no reason not to keep this. You can suggest words as you see fit and this will be heartily welcomed. If possible, you can cleverly derive words from existing things. Possibly nanatsuno did the same, as illustrated by this quote: Of course, you don't have to be a walking encyclopedia to come up with words, but deriving them from something can be good inspiration and add this twinge of recognition to readers. I made Velulaei myself. It's a contraction from 'Velut Luna', the second line of the well-known 'O Fortuna' poem. For those who never studied latin, it means 'like the moon'. Hence being the name for a moon goddess. However, I always imagined it is pronounced veluLAEI, placing stress on the third syllable. But as I said, I try not to worry about pronunciation. It is 'too difficult for modern mortals to understand'. Your character will probably mispronounce it if they want to use elvish IG, but nobody will be able to tell IC or OOC.
  7. The point is, Sting's post contains Tolkien's elvish, which we purposely refrain from using here since it clashes with the works of nanatsuno, who has created the original LotC elvish. We try to create an original language here, from which we only have pieces. (Yeah, I have a few words from Tolkien, and there'll probably be some more of them as we progress, but I try not to copy it directly.) Ah, thank you very much. It was contributions like this I was looking for :) I will try to implement this into the original language as I have time. I warn you in advance, though, that I won't add every word due to consistency reasons. Once I implement it, I'll be glad to answer PMs about why some contributions weren't chosen. Nanatsuno has stated: "Ame nae'leh evareh" - "May the forest protect you". 'Spirit' is implied and need not be directly translated. It's there for grammatical reasons (nae'leh is a possessive tense, it's used in this sentence but there's no noun to possess, hence the implied 'spirit') But yes, this sentence is correct :) Oh wow, well that would be a cool contribution. However, the point is that the pronunciation of the elvish language is lost to all but a select few, who guard it jealously. The lore reason for this is that the Elven language is the language of nature. Elves used it to speak directly to trees and animals, which is the root of their potent magics. The OOC reason is because I don't want to have to worry about pronunciation as well ;) (grammar is tough enough).
  8. Hello Availer. Someone has abused the Kramoroe chaotic situation to steal my possessions today. I humbly request your awesome blocklogger powers ASAP.

  9. Sir Salvador, you are most welcome. I do ask you to fill out the form I have provided in the original notice, and I will speak to you in person as soon as possible. I have been searching the Orc lands for hints of Archaeologic remains, but nothing has yet inspired me to start a dig. And what's more, my house in Kramoroe has been wrecked in the latest undead attack which leaves me preoccupied for the near future. However, I can tell you the following specifics about the upcoming dig: - I am looking for the whereabouts of the Orc raiders that did in the elves of Inwe. Findings indicate a long search for the Dark Elves, which must mean the Orcs would've set up a camp nearby the forests of Inwe. - The camp was probably in a Desert Area. Orcs seem to prefer the dry heat. - The site is in all likelihood marked by a rugged sand landscape, the most important landmark a steep cliff of sand. That is all I can divulge right now. Safe studies, pursuers of history. - Rivell Gordian
  10. I thank you both for your interest and hope to speak with you in person soon. Until then, I ask your patience before I discuss the possibilities of a new Archaeology dig with you.
  11. How one would see anything but admiration for the ancient Elven culture from these scriptures is utterly baffling. But ah, to argue is to waste time better spend on more pressing matters. I comply with your revision.
  12. I was going to send you an IC-PM, but it didn't come through. Any idea why PM'ing you gives an 'Array' error?

  13. News Bulletin: Rivell Gordian has resolved to commission any efforts to record occurring events into books. Find the information here
  14. Greetings, Aegis, I'm your past. I am as perished as can be. From my remains, please take a lesson Or be prepared to follow me. ~ The Historian's Maxim We are the scribes, the scholars. The disciples of history both made and making. We roam around Aegis and uncover its power, for that's what knowledge is. In the face of a thousand fallen civilizations we are humble, but we realize and take pride in the importance of our work. From the noble ashes Sting Surion willingly left for us, Aegis' Historians have risen. We dabble mainly in Arcaeology, but try to expand our horizon into other venues as well. Index: 1.0: Membership Those who seek inclusion within the Historians can apply for either of three functions. However, I must warn you that paychecks within this guild are meager and uncertain. A sated love for the craft needs to be your reward. Excavator: These shall uncover and, where necessary, restore the old ruins that we shall find during our work. Adept constructors are most fitting for this task. Scribe: These shall write down and publish whatever useful information we gather while fulfilling our chores. Gripping writers will be most welcome. Guard: These shall protect our excavations in process from looters and graverobbers, as well as protecting our scribes on business visits. A strong arm is key to fulfilling this job. 1.1: How to join I ask everyone willing to join for the simple favor of filling out a form. Some of you have shown sympathy towards the Archaeologists of Aegis, and therefore will have received an invitation by now. Please, if time permits it, fill out the same form here so I can gauge your interest and welcome you into this new guild. The form is as follows: [b]Name:[/b] [b]((Minecraft name)):[/b] [b]Reason for joining:[/b] [b]Field of interest:[/b] [b]Desired job:[/b] (For excavators) [b]Are you capable of removing sandstone:[/b] (Not necessary, but useful) (For scribes) [b]How much writing experience do your posess:[/b] (For scribes) [b]How familliar are you with the Aegis lore:[/b] (For guards) [b]How skilled are you with your weapon of choice:[/b] 2.0: Archaeology Our next archaeology expedition is in its preliminary stages. Something has been planned, but we can only truly set out if both sufficient interest and leads are found. All I can reveal right now is that the dig will take place within the land of the Orcs. 3.0: Our services To fund our research and further the historic knowledge of the common population, the Aegis Historians provide a few services to our fellow men. Interested parties are encouraged to call upon our help wherever necessary, even if it involves something not listed here but falling within the Historian's field of expertise. Prices for these services are determined on a by-case basis. 3.1: Uncovering lore If you posess a guild, town, nation, family, or individual of which you wish to know more, you can ask the Aegis Historians to spit through files and archives and deliver any finds to you in most compelling writing. We will check the roots, work our lore off your most specific quote and deliver our finds in stunning English. In contacting us, you give your instance extra credibility as it settles more deeply within the soil of Aegis. Services include: Writing detailed lore or history from whatever specifications you provide Writing about persons, fictional or no, related to your instance Checking your instance against the rest of Aegis' lore. Writing any amount of Books for you to spread or keep in your library. Assigning stories to buildings, persons, or ruins related to you. Creating immersive myths and legends around your instance, increasing its tangibility and, if desirable, mystique. ((Fleshing out any related LotC Wiki pages for you.)) Making folklore. Spreading any saints and dieties related to your instance. The Historians always strive for utter quality. We understand the attachment one gets towards their creations, and will only deliver work that left you utterly satisfied. 3.2: Making history Events occur on the world of Aegis every day, but often the involved get so excited within the moment that they forget to log the event for future generations. This is most shameful indeed, for the involved groups lose the acclaim and perpetuation that they do so deserve. Imagine, then, having a historian with you that can see your splendor as a firsthand witness, solidify your fame into eternity, leaving many generations to be awed and inspired by your deed. Surely this can only leave people from all walks of life rushing to partake in your future endaevours. After all, who doesn't want to be included in an epic story? Services Include: Recording events as they occur in Books. Spreading it in the public fora. If applicable, adding to the modern history ((Writing the wiki page related to the event)) 4.0: Our library Currently, a solid library belonging to the Historians does not yet exist, but we keep track of the books and notices that we have made public within this space. Books: My Notes on Inwe, by Rivell Gordian Inwe: Our findings, by Rivell Gordian Notices: Find our findings on early Dark Elven culture here. Find Aegis' most complete records of ancient elvish here.
  15. Excited about vanilla MC repairing. LotC blacksmithing is imba

  16. The following is OOC: So yes, the above post contains metagaming. It was the only way I could convey all of the work nanatsuno has shared with us so far. Also, the bulk of this dictionary is accredited to nanatsuno, except for a single phrase of Tolkien elvish (I don't know why people insist on using this.. oh yeah... 'lord of the craft') used by Ezareth and the work of the Arcaeologists of Aegis (which amounts for one word). It should be noted that nanatsuno's part is inspired by existing languages: I have been puzzling to make his grammar and structure make sense, and it's proving difficult, but I did my best. I also added a few meanings and 'unusual conventions' (nothing major) to make the language seem more foreign and exotic, which should help immersion a bit. The point of this thread isn't that I make up a language of my own. It is for everyone that likes immersion to contribute to, so that we may have better immersion, but also a peer-checked reference that will prevent twenty different types of elvish running together. So, if you think your character knows some elvish, and you think it'll fit with what we already have presented here (which for convenience's sake may be accepted as official lore, as Availer seemed encouraging towards nanatsuno's original work: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/8746-elven-roleplay-phrases/), then please reply here.
  17. More Elven Language Resources: FOREWORD Proceed respectfully reader, for you are about to learn of the oldest and most enigmatic language ever spoken within our world. Of a tongue that has all but vanished into obscurity. A tongue our forebearers have hidden like a secret, and was only recently extricated by shrewd scholars. A tongue that is said to hold magic in its very diction... My friends, we know little of the ancient Elves, and much remains riddled and ambiguous. To even hope to complete our knowledge of their language is laughable, preposterous. Progress, however little, I present to you in this tome. My findings rest upon three pillars. The first of these are the scriptures of Aerin Lissar, an elven scholar who has yet to return from his latest journey. The second are my own findings from my field work as an archaeologists, uncovering ancient civilizations and their secrets. The third, reader, is you. The secrets of the elven tongue are lost, but not forgotten, and my guess remains that a few of you, whoever you are, hold the pieces that will help complete this puzzle. If this is the case, I ask you to present them, for the sake of educating and advancing the population of Asulon. My wish remains that you treat this tome with the respect that it deserves. And as you read on, I hope your thirst for knowledge shall be quenched. ELVEN WORDS This incomplete list is sorted in common alphabetical order. Notations are added where required. Note: Only the stem of a verb is written in this list of words AFFIXES Affixes served a very important purpose in the Elven language. You are recommended to learn of them and their purpose before anything else, for many words are formed by the addition of affixes to the so-called 'seed words', which are listed below. We further discuss our findings on affixes in the grammatical section of this volume. Furthermore, words deserving extra explanation will be handled in the 'curious words' section. Note: The dash indicates the location of the seed word to the affix. ac- (aca-) Honorific for an accursed. ah- (ahe-): Honorific for reverence. Often used in front of names to denote sainthood. ael-: Vile, unnatural, beastly. -al: -Designates the completion of an action -an: many, full of -Mostly designates plurality an*h- (a/o/i/e/u): To direct (up/down/left/right/rotate) (more on this in 'curious words') av-: wandering ay: for -ante (-nte): Last div-: Empty, devoid of (antecendent to -an) -ento (-nto): next -ehya: and - used at the beginning of a sentence for 'but...' el- (ele-): - Changes a noun into a pronoun, making it a title of someone, or possibly something. fi-: new, anew - Often used as prefix, but not exclusively. heya- (hey-): what, how, who il- (ilu-): with -ii: little Designated the diminutive form. Plural: iian. -ir: - Designates the purpose of someone iyl-: this usually a prefix, though not exclusively. iyul-: that usually a prefix, though not exclusively. -leh: -Designates affiliation ma- (mar-): very -Intensifier. More on this in 'curious words' -n: - Sometimes put behind an adjective or verb to create a noun. -ne (-ane): not - A suffix used to indicate the negative. -onn: from, born, kin - Often a suffix, but not always. More on this in 'curious words'. par- (pra-): before, pre- res- (re-): wayward, capricious, unpredictable -sae: Spreading, development management. - More on this in 'curious words' tal- (tali-): Part (of) - More on this in 'curious words' u-: or - Always a prefix and always used with apostrophe -yem (-hyem): again -Can be used to make a 're-' family of verbs vul- (vule-): clever, intuitive, deceptive. SEED WORDS These words make up the brunt of the Elven language, and may be modified by various affixes to create new words. acal: valuable, golden, cursed - From ac-al: Completion of the word ac: Cursed. Beware of this double meaning. Because of this double meaning, Elves of old may give those they wish ill a nugget of gold to declare their hostility. The gesture was often wasted on other races, who considered the gold a tribute. acalin: shop acaln: gold (a)chikr: (without the a:) ***** - denotes a woman who murders her children (or neglects them to death), which is considered a horrible crime due to the value of fertility and the rarity of Elf children. Without the 'a', the word degenerates into a grave insult. Know that intentional cursing in Elven attracts ill-willing aspects. (a)dil: needy, desiring, wanton - When one forfeits the 'a' it becomes as of a vice (a)dont: requesting, awaiting - Without the 'a' it becomes 'demanding', -er makes verb as always adont’ahern: please - requesting blessing adri: evil, immoral, hate (a)elor: abomination, faithless, demon. -Denotes any non-humanoid of intelligence. Without the 'a' the word becomes an insult to call someone disfigured. Know that intentional cursing in Elven attracts ill-willing aspects. Aengul: Aengul - race of semi-divine beings affiliated with light. aetah: age aeth: aether aher: to bless. ahern: blessing. ahernan: thank you - blessings akal: valuable, golden - less ominous akaleh: wealth, money, valuables akalin: shop akaln: gold - less ominous way to speak of gold. allim: sin - allimar: to sin; alliman: sinful andria: hope annyer: to dance Asul: sun ata: ugly, tainted athri: serpent, snake (a)iler: Wizard, conjurer, heretic -Any wizard or spiritual humanoid that's not a druid. When one forfeits the 'a' in the word it becomes an insult. It should be noted that the word 'Ailer' is not used for your everyday magic user, but reserved for a powerful, exclusive brand of spellcasters. alor: salmon -aloronn/alonn: salty amana: virtuoso ame: forest annil: guiding -anniler: to guide, direct ante: Last arche: infrequent, sporadic, rare (a)rhil: just fair (without the a:) vengeful, scorned. aver: to wander, to roam around aimlessly, to be confused avern: wanderer, confused person ayal: yellow ay(i)lu: liked, likable - may(i)lu: loved. The 'i' is optional, but may not be used if the object is not a person. ayla: good barbu: dark, black, hedgehog berr: bow belou: pink beloun: pig bida: to drink bilok: to create, to make bilokonn: to fornicate Bortu: dwarf (a)caele: sky. - The plural, caelan, is used to reference to the Seven skies and with that, God. The lack of an 'a' in front makes the word disrespectful or insulting. celia: star ceru: strong, mighty chae: tea chirr: wolf chul: to must cihi: city cinh: to stop, to cease ciw: to sleep crua: hurting, suffering - which makes cruan: pain Daemon: Daemon - race of semi-divines affiliated with smoke and fire. Diraar: Guard/Sentinel - A soldier or guard who's job is to uphold a set of laws and overwatch them. dion: long - dionne: short divu: empty drui: Druid draoi: Evil/corrupted druid. Warlock. Sorcerer. ehier: to find enaer: guest enet: time ento: next ern: to can, to be able to eth: end, to end, to die -word can be a noun, passive verb and active verb depending on usage evar: to protect, preserve eyr: to use, apply faesu: horse fer: tool - This word creates a wide array of words for various tools, such as torches and pickaxes. They are discussed further in 'curious words'. fenn: ice feta: cold fih: to eat, to feed fin: region fiyem: reborn, renewed, revitalized fyu: full hae: her haelun: mother haler: to promise, to pledge harriel: square heial: circle, council hier: near hileia: Peace. - Has no plural hiuw: to twitch, to move hiylu: Healthy / spirited ibar: white, owl igne: flame, fire - igne'sae: destruction, war, leur'igne: hearth, fireplace irham: industry iheiuh: wind iheiuhii: voice, breath ihn: stick ihnsil: spear, lance ikur: wrought, cold, gray ikurn: iron ikru: foolish iller: to give, to grand ilueth: demon ilum: glowing - when something only reflects light. ilumr: to glow. inde: history inder: to read, study, memorize indor: book irrin: glass ito: to, here, within - Can also be a suffix. More on this in 'curious words' itone: you're welcome - lliterally: to nothing iyat: thought iyath: to think iylanh: to place kae: me kalem: Malin's year, - Roughly 26 Anthos years, denotes the length of a High Prince's reign. kaliri: Event, party karim: Fortday, - The measure of time from one Dwarven sleeping cycle to the next, roughly 24 Anthos days. karimir: hero karin(ah): sunrise, - Also used to speak of day kathir: foe ker: dark, sunset - Also used to speak of night kerir: villain khel: darkness - Strictly a noun kina: murdered, killed, death, in mortal danger-a noun used for someone who is marked for death by someone or something. krafeh: corpse krey: single. kreyn - pair. lae: him lar: sturdy, steadfast. lari: female lareh: boulder, mountain, rock larebil: anvil larueth: netherrack laureh: chosen, favored, noble laurir: Noble len: song lenaern: inn lenniel: melody lensuloem: seed, fruit lent: to (over)grow lenti: growth, moss. lentos: brown leyu: graceful, beautiful. liewyn: smile - liewynh: to smile, liewyn'saer: to entertain, to amuse; maliewynh: to laugh lle: kindness, good intention lie: dishonest, untrue, false, deceitful -lien: lie , liear: to lie; maliear: to betray (malieir: traitor) llir: friend lin: home, place -linan'sae: town linoronn: nomad llum: sorrowful, mourning - llum'saer: to sadden llun: sorry llyt: aggressive, intimidating, -llyth: to strike lom: to fragment, to splinter lomi: fragment, splinter, pebble lomal: flint luci: grape - lucionn: sour luer: to imprison, to cage luerlent: flowerpot lye: we - Used to speak of elves, a people, or even the world as a whole. Often misused. lyu: silent - leads to the words lyun: silence; lyuer: to silence and lyu'saer: to censor mabidar: to suck maehr: wisdom, knowledge maelu: to know magara: cave/cavern mahnih: wall mal: male Mali: elf/elven - Word is both singular and plural, noun and adjective. Malin: Father of Elves - Literal translation is "King" maln: father marn: more marenne: less masuleh: anvil maya: redeeming mayan: redemption, mayar: to redeem medi: helping, helpful metta: bird meracahe: balance merku: peach miar: lava miar'sae: griefing, harming, spiting mira: warm miruel: red mordu: titan mya: mercy myumier: to carry, to bring ne: no nae: you naeri: devout one, cleric narn: to walk, travel through nealu: to teach nor: land - nor'sae: farming o: why ohn: like (similar to) - Either a prefix or stand-alone oment: to meet okar: to safeguard okarn: oasis orrar: to hunt othelu: sharp pario: to fail parir: harbinger paronn: old maparonn: ancient pern: potato parsaer: to conceive, to kindle. "to have an idea". perith: to remember puer: to write, to draw, to scribble. puerith: to write down (of books), to memorize. to record (more formal than 'puer') riv: claw riurn: swamp raell: carrot, root, herb. (refers to subterranean parts of plants possessing healing or nourishing properties) san: word, news - saner: to speak saneyr: to debate, discuss. - saneyir: debater, public speaker, orator. salum: to feel, to sense seth: void sew: soup, stew siimah: tower sil: sword siol: lone, lonely sirame: Honor; connection to the forest. - Has no plural siru: mushroom -siruonn: bitter siyuer: to play sohae: devout one, cleric - In a militant or executive sense. sohaer: ruler (through teachings, more positive than uthir.) suika: sugar - sul: light - strictly a noun. suloem: beginning suluell: end, apocalypse sulier: to see sulii: eye sulirrin: glowstone sumana: savant taeleh: mind taelu: to learn tahorran: hawk tahu: high tahn: peak, height talar: horizon - considered a place between the heavens and earth; talareh: stone - evolved from the words tali and lareh. taliyna: body, living being, aspect -'taliiyna' can be used to denoted the physical parts that allow the body to live, i.e. organ, heart, mind and blood taliiyh: to bleed taliyu: secret Talonnii: family, blood(line) - always capped tarem: Elven week -Equivalent to 7 'karim' tayna: life, energy of living taynei: green taynuel: vitality, energetic, alive (noun or adverb dependent on positioning) tenna: until tennallar: ocean terh: to grind, process, churn - wehn'tehral: bread; valein'tehral: cheese; raell'tehral: salve, potion), luci'terhal: wine tillun: forgive tiuth: triangle - the triangular shape is found as a symbol for oppression, unlike the circle, which is used to describe (just) councils; - taliuth: oppressor thruer: to explode thrur: explosive, volatile thrurn: explosive, dynamite thill: pure, refined, delicate thilln: silver thul: raw, unrefined, brusque thulith: metal thuln: ore, raw material ti: yes tilru: serving, submissive tir: law tos: desert, wasteland, barren ground - tos'sae: razing tufer: to construct, to prop tur: bone turr: sheep tuva: everything, all tuveh: wool, something soft uell: countless, many, infinity, 'last' ueth: nether uhier: to seek ulln: rot, withering - strictly a noun. ullr: rot, decay, wither - Often of dead flora. ullral: monster, undead -lit: decayed. Used for living beings that have severed themselves from the natural way. uradh: to scowl. - uradir: naysayer uriar: to shout urth: to rule - negative connotation to this word. urthir: ruler; maruthir: tyrant Uruk: Orc ut: because uvul: powder vaedrar: to melt Valah: human vallei: water valein: milk vallel: blue vallum: crying, griefin valmir: artist - from purple, the color of art. valmuel: purple van: to fare Velulaei: moon - Named after the moon goddess worshiped by the dark elves. vihai: whisper vilut: cow vira: vigilant, mournful - Traditionally used for attending the wake of vigil for a deceased Elf. vularale: bat vull: to deceive, to trick vuln: fox waleh: to heal wehn: grass, grain. welier: to listen, to hear - rewelier: to repeat, to echo wy: appendage - more useful are the words that can be formed in combination with 'an*h': anah'wy: head; anoh'wy: foot, anih'wy: left hand, aneh'wy: right hand; anuh'wy: hand (either) wyl: while wyn: happy y: upon yallr: to live. yuln: gemstone - Used as the seed for many words, including maleyuln: diamond CURIOUS WORDS No doubt you are left with many questions as you skim through the Elven wordlist. Indeed, their mystique and unique language has many intricacies which are not readily understood by those who did not take ample time studying them. For perusal at your leniency, I have taken apart the words with most reason to spark confusion, and gave them the special attention they require in this section. ito: This particle is a means to denote location. However, it has many different meanings, depending on its location and accompanying words in a sentence. The simplest case: ito narne: I/he walk(s) here / I/he walk(s) within. No ambiguity arises here. However, when we add a noun to this: ame ito narne: The forests walks here ito ame narne: I/he walk(s) to the forest. ame'ito narne: I/He walk(s) within the forest ameto'eyha narne: And I/he walk(s) within the forest ame'eyha ito narne: And the forest walks here. Note that the location of ito becomes crucial here. Putting it on the place of a subject aligns it to the meaning 'to'. On the object's location (to understand this, educate yourself on the elven sentence order), the noun 'ame' becomes the subject instead, and ito regains the meaning 'within' or 'here'. Ito can also be used as a suffix, which is demonstrated by the last examples. In this case, the addition of ito restricts the noun to an object. This word is also used to create the elvish equivalent to the words 'to be' and 'to have'. This particularly might confuse a novice to the language. To read up on this, I refer you to the grammar section of this tome. tali-: This word can do two very different things to the word it is connected to. In the simplest case, it adds the modifier 'part of' to the linked noun. But sometimes, the addition of this prefix creates a whole new word: talibortu: Part dwarf -> Halfling talivalah: Part human -> Halfling tal'uruk: Part Orc -> Goblin. However, sometimes ambiguity can abound from this word. For example: taliame: Tree tal'ame: Part of the forest. It would seem that in confusing cases, elves add an apostrophe between to denote they mean multiple words rather than a single noun. However, this is not always a safe rule, as it may clash with other rules for using apostrophes. Caution is urged, and ambiguity may indeed arise. -sae: This word, meaning the development, spreading or management of something, can be used to create many new words in elvish. Some of these may not seem obvious. Examples include: nor'sae: development of land -> farming tos'sae: spreading of desert -> pillaging The combinations grow even more numerous when we consider that sae can be combined with ir to create sair, lending a word for, exemplum gratia, 'farmer' and 'pillager'. It can also be turned to saean to create a plural (where applicable) and saer, turning the word into the stem of a verb, effectively giving us the words 'to farm' and 'to pillage'. These further combinations exist almost always wherever a word was created from the suffix sae. Knowledge of this fact will allow the reader much more affluency in this language. ma-: Apart from being an intensifier, used at your leisure, the prefix ma- often finds its home in places where the intense use of affix would cause the same affix to start. An example of this is found in the word 'log': The elves would consider a log 'part of a tree' thus 'part of a part of the forest'. However, talitaliame is NOT a correct word to use in Elven. Instead, the second tali is implied by the use of the intesifier. Thus: mataliame: Log If used in an event where a repeated suffix is used, ma- is placed after the seed word, but before the suffix one wishes to repeat. Interestingly enough, ma- is one of the rare affixes that does stack on certain occasions, as seen in the word marmatelu. -onn: This word is much like tali, in that it can be used to further define a certain word, as well as be used to create a noun of it's own. Also like tali, the inclusion of an apostrophe in a confusing case will imply the speaker is meaning to talk of multiple words. An example: ame'onn: Born of the Forest, from the forest. amonn: wood The suffix will create a myriad of new words for the advanced speaker. Study of its usage will surely be beneficial. fer: grammatically, nothing is strange about this word. However, its uses in combinations are so numerous that a separate section may be devoted to it. fer'ame: Axe fer'thuln: Pickaxe fer'nor: shovel fer'sul: torch fer'bilok: hammer fer'norsae: hoe fer'puer: quill. Pen. A tool for writing. fer'llyth: weapon fer'len/fer'lenniel: instrument Other uses can be thought up by the cunning mind. However, bear in mind that the word fer is mostly used to speak of handheld tools, not of crafting tables, anvils or furnaces. an*h- (a/o/i/e/u): By adding one these five vowels into the place of the asterisk the prefix takes on a new usage. This prefix gains many new meanings when combined with other affixes and relies heavily on context. Sentence order is especially important when using this prefix multiple times. Elan*h [a/o/i/e]: North, South, East and West respectively. anh'sae: expanding, stretching - replacing the apostrophe with a vowel specifies in which direction. an*h il'an*h: - refers to a diagonal path, defined by the vowel used. ELVEN GRAMMAR Sentence Order: The common order of elvish sentences is Subject-object-verb. Plural nouns: indicated by the suffix -an. The apostrophe: Used in certain cases and possibly dictates a certain pronunciation. Current known uses are: Denoting certain honorifics (such as sainted) Between a modifier and a verb Between a word and its suffixes (more on this below). With the word 'eyha' (and) to connect sentences and and in terms of a list. Use of affixes: This has shown to be a very important factor in Elven language. Elves, tend to use multiple affixes to further define their nouns and verbs, rather than using separate words. For these, the following rules exist: Most affixes seems to have two forms, depending on wether or not the word it relates to ends or begins with a vowel Suffixes often get added with an apostrophe between it and the word. If a word has multiple suffixes, there will only be an apostrophe between the full word and its last suffix. The priority in ordering the suffixes remains unknown. If a suffix is seperated by the apostrophe, it inflects as if the last letter of the word it relates to was a consonant. Recombination of words: When one understands the heavy use of affixes and their combining to forge words, it is not surprising that the elves relied on a dictionary where this recombination was prevalent in creating new words. Their core words were little, but their abundant use of affixes and linking words still allowed them to describe nearly anything under the sun. Examples of this are: narn'vallei: travel'water -> swim narn'acaele: travel'sky -> fly par'karinah: Before the sunrise -> Dawn par'ker: Before the sunset -> Dusk. uvul'igne: Firepowder -> Ash uvul'thrurn: Explosive powder -> Gunpowder We also see this occuring a lot when the word tali is involved. Many more examples may be discovered by the studious scholar soon. Take heed, however, that any particular combination, while perhaps comprehensible, may not be correct. The language of nature seems very particular on what words may coexist in harmony. Affiliation: The suffix 'leh (note the apostrophe) designates affiliation, the possession of the object by the subject. Note: If no object is present, the suffix is implied to mean something similar to 'lives' or 'spirit'. However, it is not placed in translation Ex: part of a common farewell 'kaean'leh evareh', means 'may (it) protect our spirit' literally, but is translated to 'may (it) protect us'. Known inflections of the elven verbs: In this section, the dash indicates the stem of the word. -e: First person singular -a: Second person singular -e: Third person singular -ae: First person plural -an: second person plural -eyae: Third person plural -eh: Optative singular -erih: Optative plural The optative inflection changes slightly depending on the ending letters of a verb. Most verbs end in -er, but if one ends in -ar the plural inflection of the optative becomes -arih ( the -ar- syllable is not repeated!). A verb ending in -h will have the -h- replaced by the full inflection of the optative (thus eth becoming eteh and eterih. Other irregular verbs have the inflection simply added to the end. The stem of a verb functions as a singular imperative. The stem of a verb used as a suffix to a noun (apostrophe where required) is a modifier The optative serves as a wish ('may' + verb) in most cases. However, adding the negative (-ne) affix after the verb indicates the lack of permission. Pronouns as a subject: A pronoun is usually not used to denote the subject of a word, as the inflection of the verb itself would usually denote in which person the verb is denoted. However, on occasion a rather critical ambiguity may arise, like in the following example: ame ignere: The forest burns. Should we 'assume' a pronoun here, we can suggest that this sentence may also be translated as 'I burn the forest' or even 'he burns the forest'. This ambiguity is too serious to ignore, and therefore we are expected to place another pronoun here as the subject if we wish to denote an action like such: kae ame ignere: I burn the forest. Know that a pronoun used as a subject alone never gains the suffix 'leh' (this is possible when it is an object, making the implied translation "spirit".) Infinitive: An infinitive can be made by tying two verbs together with an apostrophe and adding an 'o' ('or-') prefix to the second verb (the infinitive). The first verb is usually the assisting verb (possibilities include can, must, will) and needs to be only the stem. The infinitive verb receives the inflections similar to the way to a simple, single verbed sentence would. By Example: ito ame ern'onarna: You can travel to the woods An infinitve can also occur without an assisting verb. In this case, you shall add an o prefix to the verb, but no inflection. An example of this: ito ame onarn: to travel to the woods. Take note that the infinitive must not be used to express a wish, as only the optative form may serve this purpose. Past and future tense: To create a past or future tense, we first need to take notice to the time of day. The words an elf uses for tenses depends on whether it's day or night at the time of speaking. For a past or future tense, we add one of these four words at the very end of a sentence: karin'ento: next sunrise karin'ante: last sunrise ker'ento: next sunset ker'ante: last sunset Though elves have taken to shortening this to karinto, karinte, kento and kente in more casual speech. If it is night, we use ker'ante for past, and karin'ento for future tense. If it is day, we use karin'ante for past, and ker'ento for future tense. This remains true even if the time period one wishes to denote is more than one sunset or sunrise from the time of speaking. The verbs 'to be' and 'to have' Before reading this, you might find it beneficial to have read about the word 'ito' in the 'CURIOUS WORDS' section. Note that: ito kae: To him / on him ito kae'leh: To his spirit / on his spirit ('spirit' being implied) Now, should we place a noun in front of this: mali ito kae: An elf to him. -In elvish, this is the equivalent of 'He has an elf'. mali ito kae'leh: An elf to his spirit. The equivalent of 'He is an elf'. It becomes easy to mix these meanings up. After all, kae'leh is the possessive form and seems the logical candidate for the verb 'to have'. However, the implied addition of 'spirit' is very important here. Elves speak of their spirit, or essence, as something deeply intimate. When something belongs to you as a person, you have it. But when something belongs to your essence, you are it. CAPITALIZATION Elves do not capitalize the word at the beginning of a sentence the way we do in common. Instead, only on a select few occasions are words capitalized, namely: Names (of persons, places, titles) Races (Mali, Valah, etc.) Objects of worship (Usul, Velulaei), even when the word's not used to denote the divine being tied to the object When denoting aspects of nature (such as Vuln being the aspect fox.) Words of significant concepts are sometimes capitalized, such as 'lye', 'talar', 'acaele' and 'tuva' ELVEN FAMILY WORDS Elves value there bloodlines greatly, though do not have individual root words to denote most family relations. Most ways to identify familial relations involve adding suffices and affixes to words. Common words to denote family relations are: haelun: mother maln: father mar’haelun: grandmother mar’maln: grandfather malii’mal: son (elven son, for other races use that root) malii’lari: daughter (elven daughter, for other races use that root) mal’onn: brother lari’onn: sister marmal’onn: uncle marlari’onn: aunt malii’malonn: nephew malii’larionn: niece mal’maronn: cousin (male) lari’maronn: cousin (female) ELVEN COUNTING Elves, while their numerical system remains a subject of discussion, were able to write numbers 'in full' like we are. That is to say, they could name numbers of any size in regular conversation. An Elven number, when expressed in full, consists of multiple words. Each word represents an order of magnitude. They were written in descending order, meaning the largest part of the number came first. Elves had words for the numbers one to ten, and words for a hundred, a thousand, and so on. To denote multiples of hundred, they would take a number from one to ten, and put it in front of a word denoting an order of magnitude, linking the two with an apostrophe. Discovered words for elven numbers are as follows: 1: oem 2: niut 3: hael 4: vailu 5: kulin 6: banih 7: laier 8: esun 9: moiel 10: telu 100: matelu [ma-(mar-) a preffix for 'very'] 1000: marmatelu CONVENTIONS OF THE ELVEN LANGUAGE The elven tongue was almost exclusively spoken. Evidence for this is found in the ruins of Inwe, where the writings of early Dark Elves were in an ancient dialect of the common tongue. The most often used elven words in writing are names such as Mali'nor (now Malinor) and Velulaei. Whatever caused the language to change so drastically through the ages is not known, but is especially remarkable due to the long lives of elves, which would presumably make evolution of a language go much slower. It is suggested that a taboo on elvish was enforced, though why and by who remains unknown. It has been rumored that elvish was also the language of nature, which the elves either learned through study or was taught to them by certain deities. They then had the power to converse with nature directly, allowing them to guide the growth of trees and migration of animals as if by magic. If this were true, elvish, assuming someone was capable of mastering the long-forgotten cadence of the words, would be a very potent language indeed.
  18. Yes, as soon as I'm ready handling some affairs.
  19. *A notice was pinned over the original Archaeologist recruitment poster. The writing on this new poster is delicate, with many symbols and words of unknown language lingering along the margins. Your interest piqued, you move your head closer to the paper in order to make out the fine, curvy handwriting* As Sting Surion settles into his construction work with the Aegis Academy, Rivell Gordian, to continue the noble pursuit of uncovering long lost knowledge, has been permitted to act as the guild steward as it is lead into a new stage. Expansion can be expected in the near future. Until further notice, this guild may be considered idle. Individuals who have shown their affiliation towards the guild in the past can expect pigeons. Other interested parties would do well to keep track of this noticeboard, as information will be divulged here as it becomes available.
  20. An interesting name for you guild you have found there. Shad'Rin. Please tell, from what language and time period does it originate?
  21. Considering you're so busy with the Academy now, will it be okay if I adapt your archaeologists guild and expand on it a little bit to create a new group?

    I have got some ideas both for new digging sites and things that will increase the Aegis lore in general.

    Hope to hear from you soon :)

  22. That's cause there exists a 'Giant' mob which is leftover from older minecraft versions. It's basically a giant zombie, and it can be easily put in the game since it's already in the code. No such giant versions exist of any other mob.
  23. More or less my point. It's not possible to add new mobs to the game. Very maybe could we resize and change rarity of the original squids... but I doubt it. They'd still be random spawns and have 5 hearts and look very silly.
  24. It should be noted that Aenguls are Daemons are not exactly opposites: They both follow God, not Iblees (or so says the wiki). Okay, no more smartassry for me. OP, if you want to worship a squid, fine. I agree with whatever GM you spoke with that an Ocean Creature Cult is acceptable and might make good RP. But then DON'T call it Cthulhu and copy entire sections from HP Lovecraft for your lore. Would you accept Jedi's and Hogwarts on the server? Also I repeat, three days does NOT give you enough maturity to take such heavy initiative. Like they said on your villain application: proof yourself first.
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