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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Urahra

  1. Honestly? Absolutely terrible idea. I believe that has the opposite effect. As a player, seeing the community I invested in destroyed would... break my heart and make me not want to roleplay anymore. There’s a lot of things that might affect activity levels in a given place – not all of them dependent on the number of dedicated players that a race has. Is the community centrally located and easy to find from the main road? Does it take a long time to get there from spawn? Is the RP friendly to new players? Or players from other nations? The most hopping places tend to be locations that are relatively easy to find in relation to the Cloud Temple. If you follow the main roads from CT, you’ll eventually run into Helena, Sutica, Haense, etc. They’re all located on a big loop. The first time I logged into Arcas, I immediately and easily found all of those locations just by wandering. It also depends on how friendly and accepting the RP there is toward wanderers. If I just walk into the city, can I hope to find RP right off the bat? Is the RP exclusive or intimidating? I actually think the Halflings would be a great “introductory race” for new players. Halfling RP tends to be friendly, light-hearted, silly, cute, and fun. Putting them close to CT would be great. It would attract new players who might be shy about diving into a big city like Helena or Sutica. When I went to Helena for the first time, there were SO many people and I was terrified of talking to anyone. (Despite being an old hand at RP lmao. Social anxiety’s a *****.) But like... stopping by a nice lil’ halfling village and having some tavern RP with a buncha cutie-pies? Much less intimidating and a great way to ease into LOTC.
  2. Certain types of RP are always going to be niche. The simple fact with most fantasy settings is that the most popular races are almost always elves and humans. Let’s look at World of Warcraft as a case study. If I recall correctly, in Vanilla WoW, the Horde lagged severely behind the Alliance in terms of player count and suffered as a result in PvP matchups. Purely for the reason that the Horde was mostly “monster” races. But then, in Burning Crusade, they added the Blood Elves and Horde activity spiked. People like to play elves and humans. So races outside of the elf-human dynamic – your orcs, your dwarves, your halflings, etc. – are by their very nature going to be more niche and attract less players. That doesn’t mean that they’re bad! Absolutely not. However, it does mean that races other than elves and humans SHOULD NOT be subject to penalties simply because they lack the activity of the elven or human races. Dwarves, orcs, and halflings all have players who are deeply passionate about their culture and their RP. Activity checks seem like they need to be reconsidered.
  3. When the bandages came off after the accident, Yuliya spent hours looking at her mutilated face in the mirror. A vanity leaned against the wall across from her bed. Propped up on her pillows, Yuliya could see her reflection. Is this my face? she thought, gazing at the scarred, cycloptic thing framed in the glass. It can’t be. It can’t be. Her father used to pet her curls and tell he what a pretty child she was – how she’d break every heart in the village when she came of age. Family friends cooed over her crow-black ringlets and lush green eyes. Her smooth, milky-pale skin. The thing in the mirror didn’t look like her at all. It was as though someone had taken a drawing of her and wadded it up, scribbled all over it with red. Her skin was creased with licks of fire. Blisters clustered like mushrooms after a rainstorm. Her lips were drawn in and dried like the teeth of a death’s head. Yuliya would fall asleep and be haunted by nightmares of her own face. As the years passed, the shock of her ugliness began to wear off. Yet it was replaced with a growing, empty ache inside of her chest. Yuliya saw other girls of the village courting, falling in love, marrying, having children. She held onto hope at first, wondering if there might be some enlightened man who saw past her outward looks and into her soul. (Your soul, Liya, her uncle, the priest, said. He called her ‘Liya’ affectionately – for as a toddler, she’d had not the capacity to pronounce her full name. That is where true beauty lies. In your soul.) But over time, Yuliya forced herself to reckon with the facts. Men’s eyes possessed the power to view the body and the face, not the soul. No man wanted to look at her long enough to know her soul. Cold comfort, to know that one had a beautiful soul trapped within a mutilated body. Love – the kind of love between man and wife – was not something she would be privileged to know. A man did take her hand eventually. Not because he saw past her scars into the shining creative mind underneath. No, she would never enjoy something so romantic. He married her because of the small fortune left by her father – a fortune he quickly whittled away on booze and prostitutes while Yuliya lay crying from pain, alone, at night. ~ When Lady Helvets asked Yuliya to write an epithalamium for her wedding, Yuliya almost interpreted it as an insult. She took up the charge anyway, not wanting to deny the wish of her patroness. It was thanks to Lady Helvets’ good graces that Yuliya wasn’t rotting on the street. But no matter how she scrawled on the page, nothing came out right. Every verse about love and beauty was tinged with a tangible bitterness. An unspoken anger at having been denied what came naturally to every other woman. Perhaps that’s why my every play is a tragedy of wrecked love, Yuliya thought. That seemed as true a reason as any. Eventually, she managed to scribble out something. A set of moralistic verses. Preachy, perhaps. Trite. But they would do. What else could one expect, when one asked the tragedian to write a wedding verse? OOC: Added FIVE SONNETS ON THE SUBJECT OF MARRIAGE: Lessons from an Old Wife to a Young Bride
  4. entry 68 – tanith almost gets shanked.






  6. tag urself i’m the romance rper
  7. entry 66 – tanith pops the question.



  8. entry 65 – tanith would really just like to get her shopping done without being hounded by ghosts, thank you



  9. hrm I mean I kinda think what you’re asking would require me to redo the skin from scratch and it’s also sorta... not really my style if you catch my drift? I tend to do more saturated colors and dramatic shading. which I understand if that’s not your thing. it’s okay, but I might recommend going to someone else if you want a less saturated style with lighter, more subtle shading. you don’t need to pay for the skins if you don’t like em tho. i kinda feel like you’re looking for something that’s not my style and I’m okay with that, no worries lemme know if you want a refund on the other skin
  10. entry 63 – tanith plans to assassinate the archchancellor of oren



  11. entry 62, tanith gets hauled off to the clink



  12. y’all ever RP with someone and it’s like “wtf, why is someone as amazing you talking to me. you’re way out of my league.” 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Urahra


      just me then huh  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    3. libertyybelle


      Me w/ u 🙂

    4. Urahra


      omg belle 💕


      shoosh I love Mary Lucille so much oml

  13. Updated with history section.
  14. A blanket of still silence lay over the town of Owynsburg. The only sound that penetrated the deep blue night was the musical chirp of frogs, singing each other sweet love songs on the bank of the nearby pond. Fireflies floated like stars broken free from their heavenly sphere. The smell of petrichor and fresh-turned dirt perfumed the air. Yuliya Styrne – sometime known by her pen name Bianca La Fleur – sat at her writing desk with the windows of her cottage open to the air. A mischievous breeze crept past the casements and rustled the pages of her latest manuscript. Yuliya’s fire-charred hand moved to grasp a nearby paper weight and set it upon the sheets. With a flourish, she put her signature on the title page. Part of her worried that she had begun to grow repetitive in her own age (the venerable and ancient number of... thirty-four). She felt herself echoing the same sentiments over and over across different time periods and different characters. There was always a woman who loved a man, typically a man she shouldn’t have allowed herself to love. Sometimes the woman had a sort of scar or mutilation – or perhaps she was simply just ugly. And often she was trapped in a situation often not of her own making, but handed down by the cruel whims of fate, and forced to make choices that had no easy answers. In other words, Yuliya was writing about herself over and over ad nauseam. Her own woes made manifest in the theatrical biographies of these long dead women. Such was the domain of novice writers, though. They say every first manuscript is written about the self – but Yuliya had completed four now and they were still all about her at their core. She had to branch out, write a play that did not so closely echo her own lived experience. Setting the quill down, she leaned back in her writing chair and regarded the still night beyond the window frame. Her finger – so scarred that it resembled a crumpled sheet of parchment rather than a bone covered in skin – twirled a strand of her dark, thick, curly hair. “How dreadful,” she muttered to spluttering lamplight. “When did I become so boring?” OOC: Added THE BIRTH OF A NUN.
  15. entry 61 – tanith realizes she may be doing something stupid



  16. Oh dear god lmao Imagine if we all had to start brand new characters with every map change. There would be RIOTS! No, you can keep your character and all their stuff, dw. 🙂 And the year doesn’t jump ahead or anything. Map changes are always really chaotic and fun RP, so enjoy your first one!
  17. I would love to do one famalam – feel free to pick any one of my chars and do a skin for em. Tanith mostly wears red/pink. Gragmar is a green/orange gurl with some cyan. And Yul is black/gold. sure hmu with the deets
  18. “hey urara are you really gonna write a trilogy of plays about your old character”


    yeah. who’s gonna stop me? you? GOD? 



  19. entry 60 – tanith gets romantic 



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