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Status Replies posted by Lago

  1. "Aleryn ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶": *does her mind delving technique to Lym* Execute Order 66.

  2. Almost 20 Rep~ Thanks everyone, even though the reputation system is, as Auvreaeath called it, 'Derpy'.

  3. What do you all think about hang gliders in Lotc?

  4. Are there any ways to get another Skill Reset without donating another $200?

  5. Got nothing to do right now except make more golems. Anyone interested?

  6. No Rp killed - And it never said my death log and who killed me but I know who it was and I have no proof..

  7. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

  8. Anthropomorphic wolf skins are so... creepy.

  9. DAM IT. Opening ceremony for olympics is 4am for me...

  10. Anyone wanna do a village spotlight on Arcum? :D

  11. watched MLP:FIM and learnt new things about friendship O.O

  12. We must sacrifice the DDosers to chtulu

  13. We're getting attacked by 243,000 unique IPs.... Do people really hate us that much? 0.o

  14. -hawks fly out from Skravia, taking notes to the Archdruids, Jena, and select other individuals.- It is with deepest regret and sorrow that I must inform you all of the death of Lillith Winterleaf, Sequoia Druid, and her wife Aurora. Lillith was stabbed and poisoned by a man championing the cause of the Wihuns. He has been caught and executed for his crime, but Aurora could not bear the pain and took her own life. We have buried the bodies in a safe place, if you wish to pay your respects...

  15. I believe the Undead ordeal is a major troll, or just a bunch of unread people mooning us ;)

  16. I am in dissapoint...Only one person answered correctly on what :godmodding" is in my last update...

  17. Just watching a documentary on the Indoctrination Theory for ME3, and it came to mind, are there any schools of magic in Asulon which could do something similar to indoctrination?

  18. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the end of Hedron. Say goodbye, he's not coming back.

  19. Anyone in GMT interested in Golem? I have three people so far, and most are out of my timezone by so much I won't see much of them.

  20. Anyone in GMT interested in Golem? I have three people so far, and most are out of my timezone by so much I won't see much of them.

  21. Anyone in GMT interested in Golem? I have three people so far, and most are out of my timezone by so much I won't see much of them.

  22. As of this moment, I am dedicating myself to never joining TS again. Reason unknown.

  23. Just found out how to destroy a Golem :D Time to deal with that pest.

  24. If you are rping a wolf... Seriously stop using fast travel, and no more wolves to many bad rpers already play them.

  25. If we do manage to find the Enchanted Anvil of Karik, just so I can know for later on, would anyone be interested in playing a soulboud golem?

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