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Status Replies posted by Lago

  1. Would any lore actually be needed for a simple trading guild or craftsman guild?

  2. ToxicApple1 Prepare to feel my rage.... No one steals from me with no VA and gets away with it...

  3. There's a rule against being logged in as your alt, and main account at the same time right?

  4. Is _The_Sultan_ (Godfrey) King of oren because he is a GM or is he a GM because he is king? ITS ALL A LIE

  5. I need another character to portray..... any suggestions?

  6. I don't know why, but I act as if inanimate objects have feelings. So if I say, threw a pillow at a wall, I'd feel bad for the pillow :/

  7. PVP Application Team 2012? :P

  8. Adyton is ours!

  9. Winrar Vs. 7-zip. GO!

  10. Just found the Leg of the Alras War Collection Golem! :) Now it is Mine!

  11. Market event at 9am GMT tomorrow! BE THERE OR BE... not there?

  12. Is that Strike Report on Coaster still alive? When will it die? Boats drift, they don't stay fixed in one place. It's perfectly feasible that the boat could have drifted closer to the wall at that time.

  13. Xero: Ripped off an orc's head, carried it by it's spinal cord, smashed it into pieces against the ground, walks off. Like a true BA.

  14. Freya =/= Freja. Freya =/= Freja. Freya =/= Freja.

  15. Worst RP ever credits go to -------!

  16. *megaultrasuperspecialawesomeWhoTheHellDoYouThinkIAmThisIsTheDrillThatWillPeirceTheHeavensdoubleultradekerinflamedbloodygoreaficationWeaponizationTaximacationI'mAWeezzerdFroxenAlchemeicimplosion Facepalms at the ban report on Gaius* wow, that was a really poorly made ban report.

  17. What battle is most memorable for you [Aegis or Asulon]?

  18. Don't see why people jump to clicky fighting at the first possibility. Silly kids.

  19. Ban reports make me lol.

  20. Ban reports make me lol.

  21. You get warned when you post on other's ban reports, so we -1 instead. Now we're told no -1ing and that we're meant to post? What? And get warned? No thank you.

  22. Protip: When you are mad that you got RPly killed, even if it led into PvP. Do not call me a cussword nor blackmail me for your items back. Kapish?

  23. Well I've officially given up on the Pearl roleplay. The potential is there, but being constantly nitpicked and degraded by the playerbase has taken it's toll on the enjoyment.

  24. I was looking for a thread I started a while back about roleplaying drugs (Which was soon locked) and have found that it is no longer around. Not. Cool. There was a good deal of effort in that post.

  25. Someone want to give me an idea for what a "Winterhold" type college would look like? Make sure it does not look exactly like this Winterhold one....

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