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Status Replies posted by Lago

  1. 500 denied VAs. Worked out that I've denied approximately a quarter of all VAs. I think that's not a bad way to go.

  2. Forum reports don't exist, so isn't posting a forum report backseat moderating? Also, surely it is the place of the FM/GM teams to post warnings of warnings?

  3. 500 denied VAs. Worked out that I've denied approximately a quarter of all VAs. I think that's not a bad way to go.

  4. 500 denied VAs. Worked out that I've denied approximately a quarter of all VAs. I think that's not a bad way to go.

  5. Since when did people start hearing about shields being added into the next patch?

  6. 500 denied VAs. Worked out that I've denied approximately a quarter of all VAs. I think that's not a bad way to go.

  7. Forum reports don't exist, so isn't posting a forum report backseat moderating? Also, surely it is the place of the FM/GM teams to post warnings of warnings?

  8. 500 denied VAs. Worked out that I've denied approximately a quarter of all VAs. I think that's not a bad way to go.

  9. 500 denied VAs. Worked out that I've denied approximately a quarter of all VAs. I think that's not a bad way to go.

  10. Just had my first German class today, got to say, love the language

  11. Are you allowed to bump threads?

  12. Haha, forum drama.... Take a chill pill people, and get back to RPing *cracks whip*

  13. Are you allowed to bump threads?

  14. Look, we just all need to stop bringing this up, so then we can just calm down on our own time. Then tomorrow we will be back to the way things were before the leak. Is that too much to ask?

  15. Haha, forum drama.... Take a chill pill people, and get back to RPing *cracks whip*

  16. Hm, thats why lore that is not implemented should not be leaked to the public, the lore is made by me and a group of people so that the staff to consider if we wanted to start fresh with no lore new races etc, but the idea was not accepted its like millons of google docs we got for brainstroming nothing comes of them, most of the time as for the spires there not implemented and wont end the world.

  17. Spire lore? What is this?

  18. I hazzed put this in a google doc, this meanz it muzt certenlee be implemented: http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/8738/spireplansmarktwo.jpg

  19. What's a spires? ._. I think I missed something

  20. Hm, thats why lore that is not implemented should not be leaked to the public, the lore is made by me and a group of people so that the staff to consider if we wanted to start fresh with no lore new races etc, but the idea was not accepted its like millons of google docs we got for brainstroming nothing comes of them, most of the time as for the spires there not implemented and wont end the world.

  21. An IC weapon to destroy the server? What's new about that? I can destroy the server world whenever I like by putting the golem anvil and "Golems For Dummies" at the Cloud Temple. Server is overrun with 10 metre powergaming golem men within four days.

  22. Owning an inn outside of a capital city is a waste of time. Sigh.

  23. I question why people think they're doing something when the spam a thread; forum staff really just need to press a single button I believe ._.

  24. Remember children, whenever something happens, it is always the Flay's fault.

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