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Status Updates posted by Yuln

  1. Finally, my family history is finished!

    1. ΚΨΙΞ


      related to anyone high?

    2. JoakimVonAnka


      I hope to read it sometime. :)

    3. Yuln


      Related to a queen :P

  2. Finally, my family history is finished!

  3. Freaking R:TW online

  4. Guild wars 2 Beta!

    1. OSD


      It's lack lustre :s

  5. Guild wars 2 Beta!

  6. Guild wars 2 Picture! :D

  7. Guild wars 2 picure!

  8. Hail, high prince native!

    You said You fixed the thing that I was a wandering soul.

    But I still am a wandering soul.


  9. Hallo succes with the wedding, sorry that I can't be there.

  10. Helgar kind of misunderstood my name... My MC name is Godness_Aurea ((I misspelled goddess :( )) but its contains truth, Aurea is à descended of à goddess.

  11. Hi to self :D

  12. how can I help the High elves?

  13. How did that situation with the mori end?

  14. Yuln

    How do you get a animated avatar?

  15. How is it going with the build of the new High elven city?

  16. How is it going with the new high-elven city?

  17. Hurray, you still use the picture I drew as Avatar! :D

  18. I don't want to be an wandering soul anymore!

  19. I don't want to be an wandering soul anymore!

  20. I don't want to be an wandering soul anymore!

  21. I editted the lore, have you read it yet?

  22. I like your last name, where did you get it from? :P

  23. I made a mistake typing my name, sorry

    it should be Godness_Aurea

  24. I modified the story

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