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Wolf Druid Ouity

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Everything posted by Wolf Druid Ouity

  1. Congrats on the FM! I was wondering when youd'd send in that app!

  2. Clean out your inbox ^_^

  3. I haaaave a seeeecret~~~

  4. That feel when countjuno is taking out the trash via ban reports and appeals.

  5. is woeking on a really cool secret~

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Redbaron™


      Saying you have a secret but not telling anyone is bannable, starting now.

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running


      It is now allowed, and I know the secret :)

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running


      It is now allowed, and I know the secret :)



  7. I know you're from Finland, but British-land is very fun to say. I suppose though, I can make a scrafice, you from Finlandland.

  8. Obviously Pugsy needs to be taken care of.

  9. Obviously Pugsy needs to be taken care of.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Arik and I gunna make joo pay.

    3. Ever


      I suggest he be thrown off a mountain n_n

    4. Dat Pugsy

      Dat Pugsy

      @Alyssur The irony would kill me first, yknow, cause I threw gwonam off one before!


  10. LOLWUT


  11. I got dat skin done for the you-know-what :3

    Thinking up some lore/names ATM. This is gunna be sweet. We should recruit some more people into the fold, perhaps people like minded about the -issue- that we're -resolving- wadayou British-land folk think? ^_^

  12. ik what you mean o.o

  13. Have hope friend, things may not be as dim as they seem.


    They'll get what's coming to them.

  14. Dat fel when we're having the first serious roleplay in forever, and the server crashes. I think we're just too epic when we try.

  15. That was actually me recommending we destroy the Jersey Shore's beach house ^_^ But I'm living in elfy land right now, perhaps ya'll visit us someday. Might go to Salvus sometime just because I heard they have a ton of food.

  16. Yeah, I live just outside of Tom's River, where ya'll at? Perhaps we can destroy the Shore House togeather someday.

  17. The high priestess of the Mori'Quessir could turn out to be your midwife. Umadbro?

  18. Once a druid, always a druid.

    1. Ever


      Druids need more mountains n_n

    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      You just don't know how to be grateful.~~~

  19. New Jersey represent~

  20. Question: Are we still allowed to +1 GM/FM Apps? seen a few guys I like but am unsure how to proceed.

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Ultimately makes no difference.

    2. Hiebe
  21. U come near Ouity's baby, and Ouity gunna make some serious s*** hit the fan.

  22. My super magical friend, what is up?

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