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Status Replies posted by Reader

  1. Question: Do you guys want me to 'show myself' in the 'show yourself' thread?

  2. God.. Why did I join the 11/9? I can't celebrate!

  3. If you donate to become a coal vip do you get to lock chests?

  4. Had a dream that every one was injecting them selves with cream cheese for a fix and rubbing cheese whiz on their bodies for a tan. Panda was the only one that didn't.

  5. *walks around and suddenly falls down a hole filled with cheese* Yaaaaaaay

  6. Volutional scares me.

  7. Ugh... temporarily using Chrome until this Firefox issue is resolved...

  8. Why is it that the best rp i have had in ages, is being kidnapped..

  9. One year of LOTC wooooooooo!

  10. anybody else have a birthday today? :D

  11. Hi! My name's Rhiannon and I hope I can make loads of friends!

  12. Hey guys, its been a while :( been busy... hows everybody doing? :)

  13. How do people get their skins as their avatars? >.

  14. Wooo, got my first ship into successful orbit on Kerbal Space Program, it only took 14 tries and 12 deaths D:

  15. The Holm Navy invented Golf for LOTC

  16. Anyone want any advice? I'm in a helpful mood

  17. @_@ so much rain....why can't it go away.

  18. The defualt texture pack really does BURN MY EYES.

  19. Panda really needs a name for her last dragon... Maybe call it dreamsicle ...?

  20. If you want to, you can add me on steam ._. I only have 2 friends, a irl friend, and a guy on youtube.....please?

  21. Terraria is addicting...

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