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Status Replies posted by Reader

  1. Ahem, can I get the Grass VIP on the forums yet? I've been a Grass VIP ingame for almost 2 weeks now.

  2. Got into the RaiderZ closed beta. Testing nao.

  3. im gettin scared a bit... iv'e seen 2 people look at my kharajyr application, and neither accepted or denied it...

  4. Got minecraft on school computers +1.Can't play multiplayer -1.Back to square one.......

  5. Think about coming back to App Team. Thoughts?

  6. Found this on my laptop, Laurelin - http://i.imgur.com/v12Ha.png

  7. Roccat Kave headset broke today with no possebilities to repair it, anyone has any suggestions for a new headset. The budget is from 0 - 400 euros.

  8. So, people that post #yolo, you hould read this. #y.o.d.a. Wanna knwo what that means? You Only Die Alone.

  9. Should I make my new villain a Mori or a Dark Elf?

  10. http://browserquest.mozilla.org/ I already have the wizard's staff. Now it's Your turn.
  11. Is Hawk's mod updated to 1.3 yet? Just a querie, I have to play a newborn baby soon ^_^

  12. Is it true? There is a world download for Aegis?

  13. 1.3, y u no be now?

  14. Halfling stew! Awesome

  15. Pretty sure the last actual battle I was involved with the dwarves was the fall of wrath's clutch... anyone remember that?

  16. ... had to clean cat puke it was so gross

  17. Don't google 'The Rake' unless you hate laughing.

  18. Would it be Meta/Wierd if My char played Pokémon Littleroot town's theme on Flute? ._.

  19. Hmm.. If you are Halfblood, partly Human and Partly Elf/Dwarf, Would that make you have some of the human curse? Example: Get very weak when you get older.

  20. What's the weirdest name you've encountered in RP?

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