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Status Replies posted by Reader

  1. My laptop is so old now, it sounds in pain when I start it up.

  2. Tis a sad start to christmas when you find out that your netbook can't run FTL...

  3. Merry Christmas everybody!

  4. As The Hobbit doesn't come out for another 8 days in Australia - Is the movie good?

  5. I'm speechless...

  6. Mmm lutefisk.. Gelatinous fish! The best part is the texture~

  7. I have the urge to learn the dragon tounge from skyrim and speak it in school..

    1. Reader


      I have had that urge since the first time I played it.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Sorry about the server crashing - that was my fault, made a major WE muck-up!

  9. Sorry about the server crashing - that was my fault, made a major WE muck-up!

  10. Everyone in LOTC right now: DA HELL IS DIS?!

  11. Alrighty, this is why Stormcloaks are better than Imperials. If you play Skyrim, read this :3 http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/The+Thruth+behind+the+Thalmor.+100+OC_1eda3b_4283838.png

  12. Can't vote, MC logins are down.

  13. Everyone has a voice. Some people just need to find it.

  14. Got ma Cinema4D :3

  15. Is it Normal to cry at the ending of The Walking dead (The Game)? S:

  16. Wow, it's good to be back.

  17. Anyone know a downgrader ?

  18. Just got skype, ginger is popular now?

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