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Ender VIP
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Status Updates posted by Lirinya

  1. Topped 12k profile views. Not sure if good or bad?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lym


      Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me how I pronounce "Penistone". That was too epic xD

      People with lots of Posts usually have lots of views. Considering Liri managed to make 400 posts in the past 2-3 weeks...

      But hey, just going with the trend of bragging, eh? ;]

    3. Aislin


      Admin + female = lots of views

    4. abxyxx


      Admin + female can also be seen as y + 3 = +/- Sqrt(36 - (x-5)^2)

  2. Trying to get portable skype to sync on a uni spec computer = not a chance

  3. So bored.

    1. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      >refresh index board every 5 seconds XD

  4. Opens school work. Gets asked to make banner for Minebook. Makes banner. Realises she did something wrong. Re does. Goes back to school work. Forgot what she was doing....x.x;

  5. Hmm I know only OOCly....God help me when I find out in character....

  6. Liri lives in Roseus, Lorna in The Vale. I've not been on properly in a while and wont be for a few weeks till I finish school now ^_^;

  7. Chicken strips at 12am? Sounds good to me~

    1. Lym


      So unhealthy..

      Instead, you should eat an entire chocolate cake like me :3

  8. Sailor moon and Game Maker for school work...All I need is my flatmate to wake up so I can get some house work done....well it IS only 5am...

  9. School work. School work EVERYWHERE

    1. pumpkin_eaters


      I just did a final exam for a course myself! Goodluck!

  10. I may have just accidentally deleted GW2....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ivran


      I was gonna buy it yesterday. I didn't think that pre-order and pre-purchase were two different things. I bought it from Gamestop. I need to wait 2 noths for it. .-.

    3. Ivran



    4. ℓαтєяяє ~

      ℓαтєяяє ~

      Computer: "Trololololol~"

    1. Religious_Pie


      1 hour 46 mins and 38 seconds to wait for 5 years of awesome.

    2. 154684321654951


      I wish I had pre-purchased it. Oh well, I'll get it on release.

  11. That watching Sailor Moon season 1.

    1. Coconuta


      That ability to not know what that is :I

  12. Huurrr ._.;;

  13. You know you're a derp when you get to the store and realise you don't have your debit card and any cash....

  14. ^____________^;;

  15. *looks at the empty carton of pineapple juice on her desk and sheds a tear*

  16. I SHOULD be sleeping...Why can't I sleep D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tigergamer
    3. ΚΨΙΞ


      Liri sleep is for the weak..

    4. Lym


      The actual question: Liri is sleeping? Lolwut?!

      Jokes aside: The voice in my head also said sleep is for the weak.

  17. Knowing you have work due in next week - your group just hasn't done their work....

    1. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer
    2. EmeraldStag


      I know that feel, though still get an A on the blasted thing.

  18. Downloading GW2 ^^ can't wait - Will have to go and buy some snacks today for the weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ΚΨΙΞ


      Liri I will join you! Now to go buy some sour sweets and a full packet of coca cola!

    3. Lirinya


      I am! Soon! After school...

    4. Lym


      ...It's Wednesday... >_<

  19. *watches out of her window to make sure it starts raining so she doesn't have to go out....*

    1. Wavejammers


      What kind of rain? Men rain? chocolate rain?

    2. Wavejammers


      What kind of rain? Men rain? chocolate rain?

    3. Jimacat


      Purple rain

  20. MTW I watch finish the newest GoT: http://www.myfacewhen.com/images/93.png

    1. 154684321654951


      Episode three? The serious just gets better and better :]

    2. 154684321654951
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