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Status Replies posted by JoakimVonAnka

  1. Warning Status: 0%! :D I feel proud...

  2. What's an Old Hat...

  3. Im thinking about killing off Lona... Im starting to get bored of her... :/

  4. Im thinking about killing off Lona... Im starting to get bored of her... :/

  5. Im thinking about killing off Lona... Im starting to get bored of her... :/

  6. Almost 900 people online on the forums right now... Ehm... Hello everybody!

  7. Vote and post on this status to gain my personal thanks!

  8. ...My rep went down 2 points. W-what did I do to deserve this D:

  9. Well, gonna make a thread where I'll post an adventure map. Which forum should I post it in?

  10. Goes to Elven nation. Notices it looks like Human nation. Leaves elven nation. Druids disappoint. *soon...*

  11. And then you're back in Menorcress... -.-'

  12. Feel like yelling at everyone and punting babies more so than usual...

  13. -escapes being chased, sends bird after it - -gets told other people got told off for me messaging them while being chased even though it was after I escaped- :L I feel bad now

  14. 12 days till I'm back all, although, I must admit, I have recently enrolled in other Architectural business, over Minecraft, so if I don't come back (I probably will, even if it's for a Goodbye) then Farewell for now, and I'll try and be on TS every once in a while.

  15. ....Sooo scince Burkester is now off LoTC and IG he's practically dead. Who wants to be Kya's new husband/love intrest? XD

  16. I am back.......

  17. All this stress, I'm going to go cut myself...

  18. To anyone who has been wondering where i've been, my laptop broke last week and i just got it back

  19. Everyone having a good week?

  20. Meh, I want to RP as a child on an Alt Char.. But I can't..

  21. -cheers- Do'Cur Zakar, Champion of the Kharajyn Arena, welcome. R.I.P Issbaner...D:

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