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About Nireltëaiy

  • Birthday July 9

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  1. Why do morons who can't do sh*t apply to the server?

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    2. Quiet Kitten
    3. Nireltëaiy


      Eh, well, because I can deal with it. I was just thinking out loud. If you can call it that. And trust me, I know lot's of people IRL who are.. Nah, I won't say it. Besides, it's not like those people are accepted onto the server so why do you bother that much? I didn't mean you, the community.

    4. Danny


      *rolls eyes

      Yeah, every single modern-world teenager and youth is terrible. We're all murderers, muggers and have the inability to spell. Our young-age has a major effect on our ability to function properly, meaning we are unable to take part in a server with a population of such a high age.

      Most of our players are teenagers - you can't just presume every teenager is unable to manage to join the server properly.

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