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Seventh / Ryan

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Status Replies posted by Seventh / Ryan

  1. Soo... its been a while, can we update to 1.2.3 yet? ._.

  2. Never let your personal life get in the way of your RP'ing. It will mess up a lot of opportunities.

  3. Syrio's Song of the Day

    Stay Classy LoTC
  4. Ah, what a wonderful honeymoon I had. :D

  5. Lettuce is my favorite fruit.

  6. I say we need a Q&A session with the staff :D

  7. I want one of those T shirts...

  8. What have i done O.O, i guess this is what people meen about you wanting to come back as soon as you leave

  9. Sooo who wants to be my valentine? :3

  10. We allowed to launch boats in regionedareas yet?

  11. Aww yea, time to draw some cleavage

  12. I'm thinking of writing up a bunch of Lore based on some events happening and using it to found a church like thing following a different religion. Thoughts? Support?

  13. Foot... is... asleep...

  14. Drinking a White Chocolate Mocha and Nomming a apple and cinnamon strudel.

  15. Pissed Seventh is Pissed.

  16. You know you have been playing too much LOTC when you look at some dirt and think "I could get some neat stuff from that"...

  17. I have been gray screened for 20 mins... :(

  18. So... what now?

  19. I'm still sure that Shift is Russel Brand.

  20. To release the real name of 'Seventh' or not. Tis the question...

  21. I'm dead. Also I believe I'm a sword, in the Void with Iblees, AAND somewhere else.

  22. I like how people got randomly angry for me stading in a hole :D Lets hope it wont happen again ;P

  23. All of a sudden the server gave me a black screen. Any help? I cannot play

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