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Seventh / Ryan

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Status Replies posted by Seventh / Ryan

  1. Ok lets ignore Steampunk flight... What about animal flight... Like griphons? :D

  2. I did it... I finally made a total of 100 requested retro character sprites... Must. Not. Nerdgasm. OH GOD, WHAT THE HECK! AHAHAHAHA! I FEEL ALIIIIIVE! Now, on a side note, I'll be making a thread where you can post suggestions as to how I celebrate this rather meaningless occurance.

  3. Umm guys.... bye

  4. The wilds need to be really, really, dangerous to encourage people to stay in mainland Asulon

  5. Is power gaming in anyway allowed?

  6. Don't worry, be happy. Everybody chill the heck out.

  7. Figures - first true war in Asulon is snuffed 'cause people don't wanna lose.

  8. QUICK - name the most iconic video game weapon you can think of!

  9. In a sling + wrist thingy. :/

  10. I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal. People know me. I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany

    1. Seventh / Ryan

      Seventh / Ryan

      And his basement. His washroom smells of nice pepermint, and sparkles like rich diamonds.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  11. We should move the applications higher up on the forums, so they are easier to find

  12. I've actually had fun running for my dear-life with a group of other people while a freak-storm erupts around us, stuff is replacable, RP isn't.

  13. So i've been conviced to watch Game of Thrones...will regret this?

  14. I'm tired of typing in such a formal way. My mind is too serious and hardwired for solemnity... Someone! Tell me something funny!

    1. Seventh / Ryan

      Seventh / Ryan

      Potatoes have skin. I have skin. Therefore I am a potato.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  15. Some people in our community are just. . . agh

  16. Need topics for commentary for tomorrow; any suggestions?

  17. I just realized, this server is basically Lord of the Game of Obliv-rim-Finder and Dragons.

  18. Football starts in 7 mins. Better get changed into my less than lean LFC top and pour myself some Volvo+Irn Bru. Come on you reds!

  19. Absolutely loving how mature some members of the app teams are about a post that holds nothing against them.

  20. Apparently I share a birthday with Seventh.

  21. Birthday over <. goodnight lotc>

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