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Status Updates posted by Astraeus

  1. Don't forget to sign up, for the fight club! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/119660-viridian-fight-club/

    1. MatrixNeo585


      Yeah it'll be fun, join today!

    2. cj_scout


      but, but we can't talk about it

  2. For the food, just grow random patches of wheat all across the nations land. It would make sense since there are plenty of wild grains

  3. Going to take a break from LOTC, I'll be back, I promise!

    1. Tigergamer


      Have a good'n.

  4. How fun, to wake up in your own vomit.. (Note, I didn't drink)

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Feel better soon? :3

  5. Looking for interesting tavern rp, do contact me :)

    1. Goldd


      Rusted. Cog.

  6. To whomever was there at Astraeus' falling, some lovely rp it was.

    1. wealthypiano
    2. Astraeus


      Expect a rp post this coming week

    3. wealthypiano


      I'll be sure to comment Mathus' part in the death.

  7. So many designs to try out, so little time...

  8. Flat world hardcore, so intense.

  9. Waiting, waiting, waiting. what a game to play.

  10. Clean you're inbox, need to have a word with you, find me in TS.

  11. Patience is a key to success.

    1. Joe_Blackman


      Nawe weely? I thought-.... damn, can't think of a thing.

  12. Being a halfling is good, very good.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Astraeus


      ^and that my friends, would be considered meta. Only in-game roleplay and sheer luck will bring me to my destination :3

    3. Dalek348


      Well you had better put a bna reprt on me right now because I am not sorry for my disgraceful actions. ;]

    4. Astraeus


      Heh. You didn't meta. I didn't meta. So I persoanlly don't see a problem right here. ;)

  13. Goes to school, one class. goes home.

  14. *sigh

    1. Reader
    2. Astraeus


      Time ticks on and I'm slightly bored.

    3. Reader


      Me too. No-one's online ;-;

  15. Some family coming over and perhaps some lotc :)

  16. Ofcourse i don't mind. If you gaze up, you'll my birthdate ;)

  17. Hey, hope your managing to cope with your exams ;)

  18. Hows the golden harvest coming along?

  19. Ofcourse I will be rping like a sir during summer, maybe just not the start, since i have things planned :)

  20. Good luck with your volunteer application for the villain team

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