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Status Replies posted by ryno2

  1. We shall have a cakeman funeral at the Cloud Temple tomorrow. Raise your hand if you're in.

  2. This is my official goodbye everyone I love you all I maybe on ts from time to time -Burkester bye bye-

  3. cool new avatar how's it look?

  4. I never Rp'd with Mog personally, so take the following sentence with a grain of salt: If he chose not to remain active on the server because of his revoked adminship, then I believe that validates the 'easily angered' triat that the rest of the admins were concerned about. Mog also didn't deny any of the other accusations on his behavior.

  5. That's it. We're being DDoS'd.

  6. Why are all these statuses being locked?

  7. While I agree with the decision, It's a shame the staff is so dishonest with the player base these days.

  8. Mogroka is the only active admin hahahahaha why remove him, he did more for this server then any other induvidual to be involved in this server.

  9. I can't buy it either :( but if you want I can give you a temporary way to play while we wait to be able to buy it

  10. Anyone want to play Cubeworld?

  11. #MylasforGM2013

  12. Just to let you all know... Every one of you are amazing! :D

  13. Just to let you all know... Every one of you are amazing! :D

  14. Best pokemon against phychic?

  15. 108 degrees today, and almost 130 in death valley; its a hot week to living in Cali's hot zones

  16. http://gyazo.com/aaba7d4f6919a57facd05c6171797a19.png Yeap, this reaction is warrnted with all the other weird stuff that goes on.
  17. Who would like to join me on my crusade to strengthen the elvish government/military/playerbase? Anyone? Anyone? No?

  18. through boredom, i calculated that the max speed you can go in minecraft is ~3000000 kilometers per hour without 3rd party modding

  19. through boredom, i calculated that the max speed you can go in minecraft is ~3000000 kilometers per hour without 3rd party modding

  20. Joker is best.

  21. #UnbanKhronos2013 Take up the call! Even Freya is doing it! #Peerpressure

  22. #SilenceCraotor

  23. I'm getting paid to sit in somebody's house and watch it for a week. I'm a scarecrow and I love it.

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