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Status Replies posted by ryno2

  1. I've been away from LOTC for a while. Why are there so few people now? Did something major happen in the last 6 months or so?

  2. I... I didn't rp today... NOOOOOoooo!

  3. There are so many nobles. Too many nobles. Too much royalty. I know families can get large, but we need to pay attention to the peasant vs. noble ratio.

  4. Banter banter. Points out flaw in community subtype. Banter. Aegis better than Anthos. Banter. Ask rhetorical question, banter banter.

  5. Dat feel, having a post deleted );

  6. Would someone please kidnap me? I don't wanna go to school tomorrow. And no creepy stuffs please.

  7. Guess who's gone?

  8. Just got hit with an earthquake. **** was trippy.

  9. Semi PG13 pun I shoveled out from 4chan. :3 http://gyazo.com/bded44e5a4bdba8afb7d53dee9ef2e64

  10. So what's everyone doing?

  11. Gollum is actually pretty cute.

  12. I hope the Adunians did like the Colosi, congrats for finding the weakness. I just loved crashing through the mines and sending Radahan a Boondocks reference tell /t IM BACK NYUGUH!

  13. http://www.buzzfeed.com/aaronporchia/if-heterophobia-was-real-93w2 ...Spread this to the world. Spread it... Violent tears.
  14. http://www.buzzfeed.com/aaronporchia/if-heterophobia-was-real-93w2 ...Spread this to the world. Spread it... Violent tears.
  15. Just had a one on one supercharged glowing sword duel with a necromancer/god/thing which culminated into a massive explosion which I was told somehow I could survive...So what did you do today?

  16. We lost a good man today

  17. Gais. Sthap. Plz.

  18. We lost a good man today

  19. Look's like Horen is shaping up to be LotC's equivalent of Caligula.

  20. Maybe I won't quit LOTC. Sorry for those who wanted me gone.

  21. Are there any Cloud Temple Monks still around?

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