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Status Updates posted by Joe_Blackman

  1. I-I-I-I've n-n-never r-really researched w-what a Ddos i-is..... I guess I should d-do it no-now.

    1. Kaiser


      DDoS [[Not sure what it stands for]] but its when multiple computers login/spam/makes statuses/break the server as others cannot play it.

  2. Cussing at school is so fun....

    1. momo4663


      I also miss being eight.

    2. Joe_Blackman
    3. Kaiser


      Can't tell if troll...

      Or just really stupid...

  3. Who can come up with the longest word?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Asbrind


      I win. 109 pages on Word. :3

    3. Slic3man



    4. Joe_Blackman
  4. No no no, scratch that.

  5. Hmm.. Let's play a game, it's called: Rock Paper Scissors.

  6. The server's up peoplez!

  7. Gonna start working on Chrono magic now.

    1. Wode


      Chrono had better mean time-travel.

    2. Joe_Blackman


      It shall never mean time trivel

    3. Joe_Blackman
  8. The crash?! It Crashed? Raaaaghhh!

  9. Am... Am I a crappy Rper?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      I am crappy at rp, but for Forum RP I am told I am good.....if only I can implement my ability to forum roleplay into minecraft roleplay D,:

    3. Ruonna/Cerafina


      I enjoyed the rp. you did a pretty good job being scared of my char, who can't do anything to yours btw, and falling off the roof was funny

    4. Guest


      You are one of the few people who actually RP fear. That grants you my respect.

  10. Epistemophobia- Fear of knowledge What the-?

  11. Since that question was such a fail...... Ima ask another one: I come in many sizes. When I'm not well, I drip. When you blow me, you feel good.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Joe_Blackman


      Nose.... Is the answer.

    3. Joe_Blackman


      I love this community.

    4. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      Eyes, blow them to cool them and when not feeling well under

      certain circumstances

      and they drip?

  12. As I await for the re-rise of the server.... Let me ask you this question......: What's starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin whitish liquid?

  13. "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."

  14. The server's down right?

    1. fbPatty


      Yeah server's still down, right after I finish my homework :(

    2. Joe_Blackman
  15. I'm so tired and clingy right now... I wanna hug something....

    1. Gemmylou
    2. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)
    3. MrSyth


      Stay the heck away from my wife you crazy bastard.

  16. Why isn't there any 'merricanos in the server?! But there's over 400 in the forums?!

    1. Lym



      1. School

      2. Internet access

      3. Mobiles

      4. Browsing forums

      5. Not able to RP because no PC

    2. Joe_Blackman
  17. Do as Watyll says, It is LoTC's day off. WE CAN BE POWERFUL AS ONE!

  18. Grgggh.... What should I do? Play hours of Playstation?

    1. Lym


      Join me on Battlefield 3, I'm having lots of fun over here lol

  19. I-is the server? Down?

  20. Would... Anyone disagree with Sand magic? I'm just thinking my free thoughts now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joe_Blackman
    3. Supremacy


      Elementalism is such a magic type.

    4. Joe_Blackman


      Awe, damn. I was having a rough idea of

      the user having the ability

      to break up the earth's minerals

      into sand... -le sigh-

  21. Hmmm.... A game of Rock Paper Scissors anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aron.


      rock. Looks like i lose

    3. Joe_Blackman


      NO, Aron wins. How would

      paper defeat rock? It's ROCK.

      Ok, so if paper manages to cover up rock....

      just pound the rock... Papaer rips... ALL IS GOOOD

    4. Joe_Blackman
  22. Server... Please... RISE! RISE I SAY! RIIIIIIISE!

    1. XkynarethX


      Deshay! Deshay! Basara! Basara!

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