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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by jtringl

  1. Go on the build server.

  2. Ye shall hold a sword nicely. Your accepted.
  3. Welcome Aboard, Cassandriel. ~Casimir
  4. crash? Or just me?

  5. *Wandering through the Cloud Temple, you see a man in red passing out books from a crate. Interested, you take one from him. The cover is red with a white eagle on it, bound with a strip of gold. The lettering reads "House Amedaius". Sitting down on the ledge, you flip open to the first page and begin to read* + Family Lore + + Land Holdings + + Living Family Members + + Deceased Family Members + + Bannermen + + Application + + Bannermen Skin+
  6. So, trying to name my new character, I want some feedback. Which name do you all think is better? Cade, Ren/Wren or Bowen?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nworb Mas

      Nworb Mas

      Yeah, Cade :P

    3. jtringl


      Thats what I was thinking ^.^

    4. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda has no opinion.

  7. Using this opportunity to write some lore for my new character ^.^

  8. *Upon your travels, you come across an armored knight wearing the Amedaius symbol handing out fliers and shouting* "Here ye, here ye! Thy noble Amedaius family is in need of your assistance. The family estate has not a hand to work it. We offer you jobs, of every possible enterprise. Ye will be cared for well, given proper housing and food. Equipment for thy job will also be provided to ye. We ask nothing of ye but your loyalty, and hard work. *Intrigued by the mans offer, you pick up a flier and begin to read it* By becoming a worker for the Amedaius Family, you will be given adequate housing, food, and protection. You are asked to swear your loyalty and hard work to your Baron, Casimir Amedaius. Our two requirements are that you have good experience in your field of work (75+ in that level), and that you live on the estate, since it is well into the wilds. Here is a list of jobs currently offered: Sword/Axeman - three needed Archers - two needed Miners - two needed Loggers - two needed blacksmith - one needed farmers - three needed fishermen - one needed If you wish to acquire a job with the family, please leave a reply with the crier ((post here)) or send a bird ((or forum message)) to Casimir Amedaius ((jtringl)). ((I WILL BE UPDATING THIS MORE TOMORROW))
  9. Just got banned and it said I got a forum message about it... No forum message though...

    1. Thu'um


      How did you get banned?

    2. Daniel


      Send a pm to admins or put up a formal request in the ban appeal section.

    3. Religious_Pie


      Meh, it's not that bad.

  10. Forced to do my two essays and project since LotC is down...

    1. Tiirunas Fireeyes

      Tiirunas Fireeyes

      Sad day in procrastination


  11. Anyone know when the next restart is?

  12. when will we be getting 250 slots?

    1. Lugmak


      hopefully tomorrow

    2. Religious_Pie


      How long is a piece of string?

  13. When will we be getting 250 slots?

  14. Someone should direct me on how to donate without a credit card...

  15. Sittin here.... Hittin refresh...

    1. Spooky_QT


      I know how you feel...

  16. is there any chance of putting the slots back up to 250? ^.-

  17. Dun worry native, some people appreciate your work =D Dem trolls all gonna troll, no matter what.

  18. Aegis= down. So, im off to Skyrim.

  19. Realized the forum time is 7 minutes ahead of my time.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jtringl


      Maybe its the same with everyone?

      We should have an admin set it back 7 mins

    3. argonian
    4. Religious_Pie
  20. Native! You said that we would be able to see the map before it is officially released. Supposed to be released tomorrow... Well?

  21. I have an offer for ye, a very nice one at that. Send me a bird. Casimir_Amedaius ((jtringl))
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