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Status Replies posted by 154684321654951

  1. Just realized how expensive photoshop is -.-

  2. Never before have so many come together from all quarters of the forums. But never before have we faced an enemy such as this. The other servers will show us no mercy, we must give them no quarter. They will terrorize our XtremeTop100. We must stand fast in the face of that terror. They will advance until our last vote falls, but we will not fall. We will prevail. Each of us will be defined by our actions in the coming voting period. Vote fast, vote strong. Vote together. Rox out.

  3. vvv 3 Bronis Below vvv

  4. Anyone else having trouble logging into LotC? Mine freezes when I try to log in.

  5. To all you Tobuscus, TB, and Nova fans: http://tinyurl.com/btm6uhb GET ON ME! -CHEST BUMP-

  6. How many people RP a butler or maid? Lets just say things are going to change for those soon :3

  7. Canadians are weerd.

  8. how do i apply?

  9. Glad that the Day Z server will have light RP, also glad that it's /light/ RP. I'd hate to have to emote while running from a horde of zambies.

  10. I want to get on for Branfest. I want to get on for Branfest. Please, dad, let me get on for Branfest.

  11. Sweet mother of Moses. I am Bannerman to House Presnyakov now and forever.

  12. I wonder how much crap I have on my computer I have 19.7 gigs left out of 88.1..... Guess I can't get Arma 2, no DayZ for me >.>

  13. OMG why haven't I realized this yet! Is there a maid cafe in LoTC?! If not its my idea now :3 might as well use some of that 50x50 plot i still have xD

  14. Pulled an all nighter last night, starting to feel the affects of it at 8:18pm ? lol

  15. I want a Panda race, I'ma go look up some WoW lore.

  16. The new James Bond trailer... they made James Bond into a wussy. Shaun Connory wouldn't allow himself to get put in an interrogation cell in the first place >_

  17. To any and all coders out there, I was thinking to myself "I'd like to learn to code mods for MC". With no coding experience, this is a bit of daunting goal, but does anyone know where I could start? Baby steps people, my background is basically nothing :}

  18. Does anyone know if Dawnguard came out today?!


  20. #Gaius' gifs

  21. How do you repair a fishing rod? Lol

  22. This may sound stupid but... What is Old Hat?

  23. Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof

  24. Looking for a new character, if you have an RP role that needs to be filled PM me. Preferably not children, but I'm not too picky.

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