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Status Replies posted by 154684321654951

  1. Now Robin, do you really want Medieval Total War II while it is on Steams Summer Sale?


  3. Mages' College I've been working on. http://i.imgur.com/wyE8h.jpg

  4. My skin is on fire. Curse the Arizona sun, and my stupidity for wakeboarding/swimming 10 hours in it.

  5. Try to ask a question, get called a metagamer. Wut?

  6. Har har! Warclaim successful! Your island is mine!

  7. Newest picture of the Undead return: http://i.imgur.com/D2anS.gif

  8. Yo if anyone's interested in joining the LOTC D&D group hit me up!

  9. Happy Friday the 13th, trolololol

  10. Just watching a documentary on the Indoctrination Theory for ME3, and it came to mind, are there any schools of magic in Asulon which could do something similar to indoctrination?

  11. Pet Peeve: When applications are titled "(insert name)'s First Application." That implies there will be a second, which implies failure of the first. :(

  12. If we do manage to find the Enchanted Anvil of Karik, just so I can know for later on, would anyone be interested in playing a soulboud golem?

  13. There's a rule against being logged in as your alt, and main account at the same time right?

  14. There's a rule against being logged in as your alt, and main account at the same time right?

  15. Played Microvolts for a few minutes, got really good at it, learning curve is too low, i'll stick with TF2.

  16. Imagine a world where people didn't copy things from A Song Of Ice And Fire

    1. 154684321654951


      I don't see anything wrong with taking bits and pieces from it, it's an amazing universe.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  17. I am so bummed my application go denied, but good thing I learned something!

  18. Just found out there's an MC server called "Planeta Minecraft". Where have I heard that name before...

  19. so yeah this guy wants to ban report me for saying b**** in rp -.-

  20. Killed and ate Craotor's hobo character. He requested me to. :3 Mmm, hobo flesh.

  21. .w. is not a face

  22. LOTC 3.0 TRAILER OUT! http://goo.gl/Dd2C

  23. What exactly is the Island Nation of Holm, there's nothing on the wiki, and I'm a little curious c:

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