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Everything posted by Danny

  1. I made my one... o.o Whuuutt...

  2. Native. You've got a beard. That makes you cool. Agreed?

  3. That's done. Time to write an essay~

  4. Dum. Dum. Dum.

    1. CosmicWhaleShark


      *violin swell* *cymbal crash*

  5. You find the most wonderful youtube videos Rio. :D

  6. I like their hats also. -nods-

  7. Just saw the video you put on my GM app... I was seriously crying with laughter. -.-

  8. I wouldn't call myself a veteran. Just someone who likes helping out.

  9. Appreciated.

  10. Aw, thanks. Much appreciated. Did you leave a post I can reply to? :P

  11. Cookie Dough Ice Cream...

  12. Applications. Cleared. *dusts his hands clean*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danny


      Niki! Issbaner needs to talk to you on TeamSpeak!

    3. Eledyr


      I know but I can't get on aatm :(

      I am with family so... familly still coomes first altough you guys are pretty much my scecond family

    4. Danny
  13. I have just had the most epic of ideas ever for Freya's writing competition-ey things.

    1. Toryk Embane

      Toryk Embane

      Not as epic as mine

  14. I love you Russel Howard.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KoTo


      Maybe he is,maybe he's not.

    3. danic


      No, He's Russell Brand

    4. Danny


      That's Shift.

  15. In the dragon tongue... he is dovakiin.

    1. Eledyr



    2. Danny


      FUS ROH DAH!

  16. Swallowing a while soother isn't a good idea. :/

  17. Congratulations!

  18. Titanium.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. nachotp


      I love you to...

    3. Danny
    4. Volutional


      Oh my, if it weren't for the constant playing of it by the chavs at school, I might have liked it

  19. Gug'ge LotC. Be back tommorow.

  20. I always need to log during good roleplay...:/

    1. Sinstrite


      My laptop always overheats during it xD

    2. fbPatty


      You left when the Mori was taken to prison or something, I think... Adventuuuuuuure!

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