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Status Replies posted by nickdabeast135

  1. hey guys just showed up who won the wc?

  2. hey guys, anybody else not able to log in?

    1. nickdabeast135


      Ah thats it. I wasn't using 1.6.4... Its been a while since i've played mc :3

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. hey guys, anybody else not able to log in?

  4. We need a war...I'm so bored right now...

  5. Vote for LOTC=More people. More people=Less empty cities. Less empty cities=Profit. VOTE PL0X.

  6. GO AWAY RAPTOR. Jk. Stay. NO DON'T LEAVE STAY!?! Kay. Bye.

  7. GO AWAY RAPTOR. Jk. Stay. NO DON'T LEAVE STAY!?! Kay. Bye.

  8. The jo interview was amazing. I'm calling it now, I got the job; the guy seemed to really like me, I also made the interview go on for nearly an hour! :3

    1. nickdabeast135


      Awesome! I was planning on trying to get a job this summer, but instead I started a little landscaping business, and im going to be a coach for swim team. Props to my fellow motivated job seeker!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Listening to the rain outside is so relaxing. D'awww :)

    1. nickdabeast135


      Its hot and getting close to 90 here... lol

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. I still wonder, what is the need for an alt account app? In all honesty, if you have already been accepted, why do you need to re-apply?

  11. I still wonder, what is the need for an alt account app? In all honesty, if you have already been accepted, why do you need to re-apply?

    1. nickdabeast135


      Silly until we have a buncha noobs because people claimed they it was just their alt account :p

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. That feel when you're watching videos about procrastination rather than stopping procrastination. :/

  13. must. get. accepted. ;-;

    1. nickdabeast135


      patience young padawan. Worth it, the wait is.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Ive just been Accepted! Lord of the Craft here i come.

  15. When ever someone says "Oren" in RP im going to *Spits on the ground when he/she say the name "Oren"

  16. How do I get old hat..? Ive been here a long time but dont have it.. Is it dependent on posts?

  17. Thinking about making a new Character, so I would like your opinion on what race I should choose! (Please say a race other than, Human, Halfling, Kharajyr, or Orc)

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