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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Scipp3r

  1. After seeing the Dwarven Mountains, I'm hoping the rest of 3.0 will have as much effort put into it.


  3. Should I make a GM app?

  4. Being pestered by two Scotsmen and an Irish is making my vajazzle uneasy.

  5. Thu'um is so cool. He wrote this.

  6. Round 1: Mithradite's Voice VS. Repiteo's Voice. Who will win? Who's next?

  7. Thu'um is so cool. He wrote this.

  8. Me on a PvP server

  9. So does the server usually go down this much now a days?

  10. *gets home from school* Finally, I can play LOTC! *sees the server is down* ...

  11. Trig homework, when I could be playing LOTC.

  12. Maybe some one would like to play a game with Panda... * looks at her wide array of games *

  13. Oh, my. I appear to have been banned,

  14. Thou hath disgraced mine name for thee last time, foul scum! Prepare thyself for a slapping the likes of which thine sorry arse has seen not in this lifetime!

  15. What are you doing while the server's down?

  16. So Im King of Dwarves. DAWM

  17. I feel bad for all those people who have to stalk the forums until the server is back up... So here,

  18. So... what have I missed?

  19. Availer's back

  20. In the hospital with a tube stuck in my chest. Great way to spend the weekend

  21. Good to be back! Writing up a news post. Stay tuned :).

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