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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Scipp3r

  1. I realy want to link a song but it will probably get me forum banned

  2. What's on your mind? Hmm.. I'm not sure.. I think.. Cows.. Yes, they are sitting on my mind grazing...

  3. As King of Salvus, I hereby dub Joe Biden as Sir Laughs-a-Lot, Baron of Not Taking America's Problems Seriously.

  4. I'd post on the royal ball thread, but mog says I'M NOT ALLOWED TO.

  5. Why do players suddenly dissapear? It always makes me feel bad evicting them :P

  6. Forgot how much I loved Age of Mythology ~

  7. Anyone have ideas for a new avatar?

  8. Making Danny a GM was a mistake.

  9. Austin lies i was listing to this

  10. Imma call you all gemstones, except Emerald, because that is me.

  11. Hey guys, what's changed?

  12. TRIVIA QUESTIN OF RANDOM: Who is the current Rex?

  13. Australian internet is blowing up.

  14. Happy Birthday SPARROW! =P

  15. Last day of school tomorrow for 3 weeks. Awwwwwwwwwwww yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaah. U jelly?

  16. Thats odd, servers up. :D!

  17. CoasterCam0 For Gm 2012.

  18. So whats this server everyone is going to?

  19. Forum Rp, you so fun.

  20. I feel bad for anyone who gets accepted to the server at this time. I remember my first time, I was so excited to log in for the first time. Boy, they are all going to be dissapointed D:

  21. Ban All The Trolls!

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