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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Scipp3r

  1. Eze'kiel is dead, and just like any good death, it was seen by many people but the body could never be recovered. Expect letters to be sent out ICly to noted friends and allies.

  2. Silverblade parties suck.

  3. I think Eze'kiel Tarus' death was ironic, killed in the lands he founded because he started a rebellion. He started a rebellion to found those lands. So his original achievement killed him in the end.

  4. My basement is beginning to flood. http://i.imgur.com/q6hot.png

  5. Working on a new Skyrim mod - never actually put this amount of thought into anything before...

  6. Who's ready for Hurricane Sandy :P

  7. Whats up with the minas?

  8. Minecraft is down.

  9. This is why temp. server should've stayed a bit longer.

  10. Updated Event Team Application and brought back Skippy.

  11. the temp server has issues but i like it. i have found alot of good rp, and battles. im acctually enjoying it

  12. Guys, someone please unban me!!!! My little 5 year old brother got on to multiplayer and started pressing random letters, I'm really really sorry! D:

  13. Our High School soccer team

  14. Who accepted you onto The Lord of the Craft? For me, it was Volutional and Roze.

  15. One year ago today I submitted my second application to LOTC.

  16. Should I get Guild Wars 2 or Dishonored?

  17. I think there is a Gm Q & A Session or Seventh is a fibber

  18. jorgens scares me...

  19. GM Q&A on TS now~

  20. Anyone know any decent Steam games? Strategy, or RPG sound good right now.

  21. Anyone know any decent Steam games? Strategy, or RPG sound good right now.

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