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Status Updates posted by ThanksChris

  1. You were always my favorite pug.



  4. On my way back home. :3 Been a fun vacation.

  5. "Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary." ~Khalil Gibran http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/93975-the-poetry-gala/

  6. Well, this is going to be a busy week, but after that, finally summer. Just... a bajillion tests to get our of the way in the next 5 days.

  7. Well, this is going to be a busy week, but after that, finally summer. Just... a bajillion tests to get our of the way in the next 5 days.

  8. Gonna be for the most part busy this weekend. See you guys on Monday. I'll be on Skype and the forums if I'm needed for anything.

  9. Got my last AP exam over and done with. Should be able to spend more time on LotC soon. ^.^

  10. Hmm. If there are any decent skin makers who would be interested in making me a few, send me a forum PM. Thanks in advance ^.^

  11. I'm going to be I visiting family for the next couple days, so I may only be on for a few hours in this short while. Enjoy yourselves!

    1. Ever


      Byebye, have fun!

    2. Telanir


      Have fun Acaele! ^-^

  12. Apologies for my low activity this past weekend, just fixed up some pretty bad computer issues. Still trying to get Teamspeak working, but Minecraft should be fine now.

    1. Braxis


      Nemantius pls

  13. Only one more day left! I hope everyone is as excited as I am! Be sure to say your goodbyes to Elysium and Kalos now! Take all the screenshots you want, bask in our last days in this world that's held us for a couple months now! Tomorrow, it's on to bigger and better things!

    1. leave me alone
    2. gingernut97


      Is the opposite of yes, well done.

  14. Gave you your 1000th reputation point. I demand compensation, of the sandwich variety.

  15. Going to be away for the weekend. Bound to whatever my phone can access. Looks like I'll be spending some quality time with the forums.

  16. gonna be forum-bound over the weekend. Family trip. no laptops T.T

    1. Telanir


      Agh... you shall become a cave-forum-dweller. :D

  17. Hehe. You Englishmen wouldn't last a day in the north. *walks out into the blizzard*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aiden


      In texas, one inch = no school, two inches= 2days with no school ;)

    3. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      In oregon, frost on the road =no school...

    4. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      >is american

      >calls land "north"

      >canada looks down

  18. To anyone considering writing a rage status, watch this:

    If you still feel the need to make a rage status afterwards, re-evaluate your taste in music, and try again.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThanksChris


      I suppose that too. ^.^ Though technically, that wouldn't be a rage status. Just a sharing of opinions.

    3. ThanksChris


      I suppose that too. ^.^ Though technically, that wouldn't be a rage status. Just a sharing of opinions.

    4. Pro_Whistler


      Logic is cool! :P You're right though. Also, amazing song.

  19. Hmmm. A bit more work, and these forums could be quite nice actually.

    1. Telanir


      Yeah!. . . After a bit more work.

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