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Posts posted by bickando

  1. On 6/5/2024 at 2:20 PM, Goblinmancer said:

    Skin: - Armor Skin 4

    Bid: - 20

    Discord:  - qizu.

    IGN:  - Qizu



    Skin: - Armor Skin 6

    Bid: - 20

    Discord:  - qizu.

    IGN:  - Qizu

    @Wizzar @beetle


    Skin: - Armor Skin 4

    Bid: - 35

    Discord:  - bickando

    IGN:  - bickando

  2. Their marriage had been over half her life.


    In its earliest days, it had been strained. The realm had demanded much of a priest and a foolish courtier, too much of two so little versed in court intrigues. The queen's fondness for her king had little wavered throughout those tribulations, yet his kingdom had never loved the Veletzian. She was foreign, and her own homeland its bygone nemesis; two decades had little healed the scars of lost fathers and brothers. Yet here it was that she saw her own children grow and blossom, a quiet shadow beside clerical, near-holy John. He had always been the kindest of husbands to her, thoughtful. Always worrying, asking, thinking. Love it may not have been, passionate and romantic; yet a better companion Aevos could not have known.


    It had not been so bad a life together, decided the woman as she donned mourning black. Not so bad at all.

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Amelya of Middelan


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Alchemy is the research the language making up the material realm; the runes and alphabet that compose the fundamental elements of the world, notes built into the song of reality. In this vein, it is more specifically capturing the essence of the signs and symbols found in nature, and reconstituting them into a different form. This is begun with extraction - whether mundane, the simple use of elbow grease and aqua vitae to draw out the signless symbols of the ingredients, or in one of the four elemental methods of drawing out said symbols that keep their attached signs as prefixes.


    These symbols and their related signs, however, are useless without the knowledge gained by alchemists through countless hours of study of the world around them (or building upon that gained by alchemists past). With it, alchemy can be used for feats simple - alike smoke bombs or congealants - original, in the expansion of stomachs to win drinking games, or, in its more complex varieties (which in turn require special guidance), the moulding of life itself. This is done by mixing specific combinations of symbols and signs in order to guide their concoction towards a function of their choosing - Peace and Life as much as Death and Silence. Alchemy in its basic form is the start of that long journey.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Yes. While with basic alchemy you are able to learn most potions, whether through extensive research or the teachings of similarly learned alchemists (alike Wizard's Brews), there are also those that require additional feats - Tinkering (and with it Animii Crafting) and Tawkin, as well as a great deal of rare recipes that must be taught by others.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    [!] Flipping through the pages of the the earmarked tome, its gilt edges long worn from the rifling through of calloused fingers, Amelya finally returned to the page she'd sought. "Ah, I remember now... No wonder. Impediment?" the queen murmured, returning to her cabinetry to rifle through it, sifting through small vials of symbols and large jars of herbs, some dried, some in various stages of soaking in water. Truthfully, what she sought to make was little aligned with the image of the stoic consort - but she had a bet to win.


    Amelya finally withdrew it - and no sooner had she uncapped the jar than the wretched scent of ground Tippen's Root filled the room, rotten eggs that bothered her only slightly more when first she ground it up. Groaning beneath her breath, she spooned out its contents into an awaiting bowl of aqua vitae, stirring it in afore pouring it through a fine cheesecloth into a pot, thereafter setting the opaque liquid over a flame to boil. Turning around, her good green eye settled upon the jars of symbols still left. She knew deep in her heart there was little difference whether she used that which she had stored versus that which was recently harvested, but it was always better to have more in the cabinet for later, no? With wavering eyes, however, she admitted defeat internally - and out came the jars of Peace and Endurance, from which she drew out three measures of the former and two of the latter.


    Amelya's gaze flickering back to the boiling once-root, she once more filtered the concoction, and once more set it over the flame, tending it every so oft. There was a certain peace to what she was doing, to the inevitable picking through the powder that would follow. Yet, when finally she had reduced it down to a dust, that familiar dread of holding up a magnifying glass and tweezering out the symbols once more returned... and remained, long after her eyes strained. The look on Stefano's face when I beat him... she cheered herself, and, finally, it was complete.


    [!] Though she dumped into a fresh cauldron what was truly just distilled water and charcoal, the dark and bubbling liquid that thereafter formed truly reminded one of a potion of child stories. Of course, it was nothing without the symbols - each begrudgingly given to the upjumped pot, but in sum forming something truly dangerous. Indeed, as she stirred it with a glass rod, she could hardly hide her anticipation... the world's most powerful drinking potion, readied just in time for tavern night.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    The clicking of heels upon marble steps would alert Jimothy to his teacher's approach - soon enough, the laboratory door opened, and Amelya of Middelan rather unceremoniously entered the cramped room. His anticipation was met perfectly with her sleep-deprived gaze. "Have you had any breakthroughs, Jimothy?" she asked, her languid tone moving nearly as slowly as herself to the seat across the long, herb-littered counter.


    "I had been working on it, but came down with a cold..." he murmured, shaking his head. Jimothy withheld a light cough.


    Amelya flinched slightly at that, peering at him as if to consider whether it was contagious. "No matter. We might consider this review instead - you remember what I taught you of mundane extraction?"


    Jimothy nodded. He was a slow learner, but not that slow.


    "Good," she smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes. From beneath the counter, she withdrew a few sprigs of oracle's wood, setting it upon the workspace. "Show me."


    [Jimothy succeeds in a set of emotes that culminate in tweezering out symbols. Painfully.]


    Amelya jerked straight as she heard the whoop of her apprentice, finally complete with his work. "Ah - done already?" she asked, as if the task had not taken him hours already. "Good. Now - let me help guide you to the fruits of your labor." At that, the middle-aged woman began to rummage through her cabinets once more - finally, a set of glass bottles, finely decorated and three-quarters filled each with distilled water, and with them another two jars of symbols. "This," she started, setting all but one of the glass bottles down, shaking it with aplomb, "...is exactly as it looks - distilled water, from that distiller yonder. And this," she put that down, then, plucking up one of the other jars and holding it out to him, "Is...?"


    "...Peace?" he offered, with some faint recognition of the material.


    "Very good. Which herb did we extract it from?"


    "Blissfoil?" he hazarded a second time.


    [!] The one-eyed woman smiled for the first time in that session. "Stop phrasing it as questions. You are doing well, Jimothy. Now - take two measures of this, one of your Order, and one of Sound - and stir it well into the distilled water, then leave it to cool. Here." At that, she slid over the various ingredients to him.


    [He makes a sappy emote about stirring it and being wow'ed at his results. They leave to eat a sandwich, then return.]


    Amelya returned to the counter, then, leaning forth slightly to better appraise his results. "Acceptable," she eventually muttered, straightening once more as her gaze focused upon him. "Now, drink it."




    "It's to help with that coughing of yours."





    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Like any lore on LotC, it should be used in its correct form. If someone makes an honest mistake, it's best to give them a warning and reminder, as well as to let them know some similar situations they might fall into to help visualize the rule and why it exists. If it's done dishonestly, and especially if it's done with poor intentions repeatedly, then I'd consult with ST as to the course of action they recommend. If it's done in really aggravatingly bad faith, then I'd drop them and report it.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Amelya of Middelan


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Morrigan (Hesperia)


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  5. A letter, sealed with the signets of the House of Alstion, is returned to Valfleur.


    LO and greetings unto you Lord Adrian of Valfleur,


    My royal husband has read your letter and pondered it deeply, but alas; this business of unification and reorganization has left him quite drained, and as his wife, mistress of the household, and Crown secretary it has fallen upon me to pen this letter in his stead.


    Though we are yet foreign to the ways of the people of the Petra, it has always been such that Aaun has been a godly place, and in that spirit we have followed as best we could the teachings of the Canon and ways of the Saints. John's own ancestor, Saint Alexander of Furnestock, was famously a lover, both of peace and of his maids - and we see that reflected in Article IV of the Codex of Saint Godwin, so named after another of his royal ancestors, which states that assault is to cause harm unto the body of another. Such being as it is, corporal punishment is not legal unto the bodies of Aaunish citizens.


    That said, let me offer more personal advice as the wife of John, King of Aaun, mother of his royal heir Charles, Lord of Alba, and the daughter of the rulers of a fallen realm. If you should inflict pain upon others, let it be so great and cruel that rebellion is afforded not the meagrest piece of their mind. Build for yourself an impregnable castle of the will, and bolster its defenses with leverage. Crush their spirit so, and the servantry shall have little need of such punishments as whipping. I recommend you ask your tutor of the art of blackmail, child, for it was omitted by our shared government's new codex, and secondly that you hire for yourself a legal expert as insurance. I am told there are many such experts in the Haeseni realm, though I have scant traveled so afar myself.


    GOD Guides,

    Her Apostolic Majesty, Amelya of Middelan, Apostolic Queen-consort of Aaun, Princess-consort of Alstion, Duchess of Vienne, the Lowlands, Balemena and Corazon, and likewise consort and Lady of all the other lands and lordships of the Throne of Paradisus

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Amelya of Middelan


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?




    OF BIRTH, 1963



    HRM the Queen and her youngest daughter, Calliope Analiese

    c. 1963




    By the Royal Household of Alstion;


    To all to whom these declarations shall be conveyed, we extend our most esteemed greetings.


    The munificence of The Good Lord, in His boundless benevolence and after a most arduous labour, has designed to bless Us with the birth of a Princess, to the immense delight of the Royal Household. With hearts brimmed with hope and fervor, we embrace the auspicious unfolding of welcoming our sixth-born progeny into the realm.


    By these letters, therefore, We advertise and proclaim that Our daughter shall be given the name  CALLIOPE ANALIESE  and that we pray unto Almighty God for her safekeeping, good health, prosperity, and preservation of the Princess, who - upon her birth - stands seventh in like for the throne of Aaun.


    Given under our Seal at the Hand of Horen, Witnessed by Us and Father Leofric on the 21st day of Harren’s Folly, 1963. 






    His Royal Majesty, JOHN ALEXANDER, by the Grace of GOD, King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Vienne, the Lowlands, Balemena and Corazon, Count of Whitespire, Enswerp and Florentine, Baron of Blanchet, Protector of the Realm


    Her Royal Majesty, Amelya of Middelan,

    Queen-consort of Aaun


    Witnessed and Confirmed by;

    Father Leofric

  8. 7 minutes ago, satinkira said:



    Rules - The Lord Of The Craft




    heres me getting a warning point for posting a meme on a report back in november 2023. almost 100% sure this has happened to other people before. there's your precedent




    you are more than likely perfectly aware that there is a precedent for deleting meme comments from reports. I do it because I don't care but don't even bother pretending that this has never happened before and that this is yet another Random Mod Policy That Isn't Listed In The Rules that poor you has fallen victim to - yes it is in the rules, take the time to go look for once


    love you treesmoothie though





    please follow this link and screenshot what it shows u

  9. OBwJOtI.png


    Mods are giving out two warning points for begging tythus to save us from the mods and they still think they're the good guys here


    Please remember that blue janitors are the enemy


    @Tythus only you can save us now...


    9 hours ago, Ibn Khaldun said:

    For your future reference, the rule is in the Rules -> Rules subpage of the website. Scroll or CTRL + F & search for Other Subforum Rules to find the rule regarding not posting in reports where you are not mentioned or involved.


    ok but thats not what i got the warning for i got it for posting non-contributing information

    please show me where I can find that rule

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