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Status Replies posted by Minst

  1. C-C-C- Combo Breaker! Not about cereal.

  2. C-C-C- Combo Breaker! Not about cereal.

  3. Perma killed me daughters fiancee *flexes "Good day it was"

  4. Perma killed me daughters fiancee *flexes "Good day it was"

  5. It seems the Silverblades are very protective of Kya's love life :3 Love my family

  6. isnt it impossible to expect the unexpected?

  7. isnt it impossible to expect the unexpected?

  8. Imagine if I dropped my laptop from my bedroom window at a 96 degree angle just as the wind was blowing east at 22 miles an hours. Did you know what my laptop would break?

  9. Imagine if I dropped my laptop from my bedroom window at a 96 degree angle just as the wind was blowing east at 22 miles an hours. Did you know what my laptop would break?

  10. Back from D.C. Was pretty fun actually. Stayed in a beautiful hotel. My uncle got me into the pentagon and, wait for it, I shook the president's hand^^ Pretty Baws.

  11. Back from D.C. Was pretty fun actually. Stayed in a beautiful hotel. My uncle got me into the pentagon and, wait for it, I shook the president's hand^^ Pretty Baws.

  12. I may have just broken Minecraft. Why did I think that deleting everything in the .minecraft folder would fix the crashing?

  13. Oly Oly Oxenfree!

  14. I may have just broken Minecraft. Why did I think that deleting everything in the .minecraft folder would fix the crashing?

  15. As I was talking to Brevias, we came to a realization. If I wanted to piss people off, I wouldn't even need to do a pugsy. I can just delete my modpack XD But I'd never do that :3

  16. Just say this on the wiki: The dragons are descended from Dragur, Could Dragur have any connection to Skyrim's Draugr?

  17. Mori'Quessir is rising... Good Good. *evil laugh*

  18. Explain this to me, I walk down school hallways hearing people calling each other sluts, whores, making sick jokes at other peoples expense, to their faces and behind their backs. People don't seem to mind this, but when I give someone a compliment i'm a creep?

  19. Ahh, that ln first night in minecraft back when you didn;t need food for hunger and there were no special places in your world, there was just you and the world, no testificates or endermen, that world of 1.7.3, ahhh the good ole' days.

  20. Delicious fresh GM meat... *Devours*

  21. Yes! I was allowed into Haelun'or. That's one small step for Dark Elves. One giant leap for Elfkind.

  22. Today is the 17th anniversary of my existence, based on the solar year time system.

  23. Receiving a town for services in the Renatus vs. Salvus war, about to propose IG, and having a kid soon. Damn my character's life is good! :3

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