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Status Replies posted by Minst

  1. Hawk, the reason we're -1ing the posts on the ban report is because we're not allowed to post if not involved.

  2. Hawk, the reason we're -1ing the posts on the ban report is because we're not allowed to post if not involved.

  3. Hawk, the reason we're -1ing the posts on the ban report is because we're not allowed to post if not involved.

  4. Mind if anyone tells me why does life suck? Finals, Moving, and no time to be on LoTC *sad face*

  5. I REFUSE to get Diable 3 untill I finish exams.

  6. All my friends fangasming about Avengers on Skype. And me, over here in my corner of lameness, "Nope, haven't seen it yet..."

  7. Many people have a daily post type deal, with daily players, daily jokes... So Introduce you to DAILY TWO STEPS FROM HELL SONGS. Come one, come all, and experience music in its most pleasureable forms! Cast away the techno! Cast away the hip-hop!

  8. What's the average wait time for a modreq?

  9. o.0 I just saw two zombie pigmen...

  10. wheres frodo

  11. Ladies and gentlemen, hoboes and tramps, Cross-eyed mosquitoes and bow-legged ants, I come before you to stand behind you, To tell you something I know nothing about. Next Thursday, which is Good Friday, There will be a Mother's Day meeting for fathers only; Admission is free, so pay at the door, Pull up a seat and sit on the floor. The topic to discuss... The crime that has never been committed.

  12. So, LOTC. I need a summer hobby. An instrument, knitting, etc. Gimme suggestions before I go insane.

  13. This is sounding more like, a zombie apocalypse than a plague by the minute

  14. I love how people that are affected by a debilitating illness are running around seemingly healthy yelling "Spread the taint!" Very unrealistic if you ask me.

  15. I love how people that are affected by a debilitating illness are running around seemingly healthy yelling "Spread the taint!" Very unrealistic if you ask me.

  16. We're all gonna die.

  17. We're all gonna die.

  18. I'm currently drinking a half gallon of G2 series Gatorade. Why the heck does it taste like mouth wash...

  19. I'm currently drinking a half gallon of G2 series Gatorade. Why the heck does it taste like mouth wash...

  20. sniffle sniffle

  21. Ohohohohman. I was expelled for "being a cancerous influence on the student body." I HOPE NO ONE CAUGHT MY BISEXUALITY.

    1. Minst


      Actually, Jullius, I belive it's "When in doubt, nuke China and California." Or, well... something along those lines. ((Just a joke, dont take it seriously.))

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

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