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Everything posted by Mankaar

  1. You gotta love some rp..

  2. Welp Im back ;3.. but all next week in at my school till 10 working on back stage stuffs :/

  3. Just found this.. shift.. when.. Wat. http://youtu.be/l8O5Jt8hS_c

  4. Omfg I almost died.. I was walking with my father and out of no where a car hits me in the side.. 2 inches closer I would have been dead.. and you know what he driver does? He drives away when being screamed at to stop...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Agent Miller
    3. Octavion


      Glad to hear you're okay Shameer. People really can do some terrible things.

    4. Merkaken


      Glad you're ok dude.

  5. *A worn letter arrives to you, carried by a Raven with the color of the night sky. It is sealed with a symbol - The Eye of Iblees* ' (( This is the post for "The Occult" a new group that has been formed off the base of "The Sons Of Iblees", Please role-play the letter as if you received it.. this is not a poster thrown up anywhere.. think of your morals, would this fit with your character? if so please leave an Ic response ... Also to remove meta gamers the post has been striped down the bare minimum! Enjoy :) ))
  6. Anyone else think we were not completely ready for the 3.0 transition? These last two weeks have been a nightmare of crashes and mine mess up's! Anyhow best of luck staff keep on punchin away at dem server issues!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Cyndikate


      Not like last time. At least with the Crashes you can get on the server and RP for 5 minutes before it crashes again. The last DDoS we had, we couldn't get on, period.

    3. Lord_Sauron_


      @Ghaash, I know a few names with the ability and motive for a DDoS that are sporadic and uncoordinated when planning their attacks. One of them even likes chaos and unpredictability, so might make them sporadic on purpose. Rather than one big ka-pow, there is discontent spread across a long time.

    4. Redbaron™


      Lol it was like last time actually... go up for a bit then crash...

  7. Watching old lotc live-streams.. Oh I miss those days... 3.0 please bring them back :)

  8. SO I am a human... and I wanna get dem dark arts~ where would I go to find a list of what I actually can get dark art wise... :3?

    1. Mithradites


      It's not about what you "can" get, it's what your character would "know" how to get. And unfortunately most dark arts are pretty much non-existent population-wise, and near-impossible to have taught to you. Good luck anyway, though! :P

    2. Merkaken


      I'd suggest PMing a magic team member. If you really want to learn some manner of Dark Arts, they'll help you :) I do beleive Necromancey is the only self-teachable Dark Art at the moment (Or it will be soon, I may have gotten the MAT's words mixed up)

    3. Tom_Whiteman


      You can only self-teach Necromancy>Life Drain

  9. Okay so heres the deal.. something new is in the works.. The Sons of Iblees are now disbanded.. If a gm/fm could lock this thread and place it into inactive guilds that would be great ... There is a new Iblees group is in the works so expect word on it soon!
  10. SO are magic thingys officially up once more because I really want to find a ooc teach on the forums.. or.. wat!?

  11. I think im going to drop rping as shammer for the week.. I cant stand villan rp right now...

  12. Tomarrow.. I am reborn

  13. Fumblemore! what are you doing here!? http://bit.ly/YkuGaA

    1. Blundermore
    2. Mankaar


      omg I just confused your name with fumblemore's... <.<..

  14. Media team.. where is that damn antagonist video you promised!? *forceful anger*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LPT


      There is a hint in it. :p

    3. Mankaar


      The media team said there would be another video on it :C.. Shame admins had issues with it

    4. Ford


      It’s dragons. How very Skyrim of us...

  15. Mortally wounded a halfling.. three minutes later a battalion of people come.. Damn halflings stop being so innocent!

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Don;t worry I'm all good shameer.

    2. comanderbly^


      That's what you get xD

  16. 3.0 looks more then amazing

  17. god I need magic so bad.. its stalling my character with out it.. Gehh 3.0 hurry the heck up aint no one got time for this!

  18. I rlly wish some one would rp as Foxy Cleopatra on the server...

  19. [[twas one poster this aint gona start no trend]]
  20. * Sindri strolls about the elven city.. He once again visits a notice board.. He skims a few worthless ad's and finds this particular poster.. Shammers anger grows as he reads it.. * " False god praising fools.. I will have there heads for this atrocity to the true god... " * Shammer hastily rips down the poster, throws it on the ground and walks off heading to the Badlands, his robes wip in the wind as he walks away *
  21. Applications are closed until 3.0.. This page will be almost completely re-done then.. This topic will remain but no more apps will be accepted/denied until the official release of 3.0.. See you all then!
  22. * Chuckles as he notices that the ban report on himself has been denied * Finally that's out of the way!

  23. Sons of Iblees are going to get a major overhaul for 3.0... Do not expect many big events till then!

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