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Status Updates posted by Wobbajack

  1. Is the cure for personas or accounts?

  2. I'd rather it all go away then have it locked away for certain people.

    1. Praetor



    2. Lym


      Quit Stalin, be my Valentine!

  3. With the power of 1.8 banners.... I give you... the White Rose. http://gyazo.com/58f42a514615e61d8404c6cc0503019e

  4. Interesting how things work. The one time I have an urge to RP... the server is down.

  5. New profile pic. WINNING!

    1. Lykos


      there's a win here and a win there. Bi-winning. TIGERBLOOD, B****!

  6. Eugh...I'm a bit sickly...runny nose, sore throat. Not fun...

  7. Finals done! I think I did great on everything (except Algebra.... :/)

  8. At school....too bad I can't download Java and pop on the server for a bit. *le sigh*

    1. 0000


      School computers should run java...

      Maybe it's just my school then.

  9. 100 posts! I will have that custom forum title in no time! *runs away to make post count higher*

  10. HAPPY EGG-DAY!!!

    1. adashingrainbow


      Tasty sugar filled eggs! :D

  11. Wait! Stop everything!! GO VOTE!!

  12. Saw I am Bug Bunny's app - Thought it was troll - Is wrong, and suprisingly...surpirized.

  13. VA is done! Gonna' look over it again tomorrow before posting, wish me luck!

  14. In the Language computer lab, SUPPOSED to be looking up recipes for a French food project...but you guys always catch my attention. Haha.

    1. Torvald


      Omelette du Fromage?

  15. Just updated Wiki with new Kharajyr lore! :D

    1. Wobbajack


      Although need the new Aelkos...too many have died!

  16. GUYS! In the new Snapshot you can write in books!!! *drools*

    1. CraftPrime


      It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen...

  17. Working on an app for my alt account. :)

  18. School play today and tomorrow. Then I can get back to RP'ing. :D

    1. Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

      Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

      Aww but it was so nice without you... .I mean uh welcome back!

  19. How does one become a Total Tophat?

    1. EmeraldStag


      Nobody Knows But Me.

  20. Was the bookshelf plugin added? The new printing press thread makes me think it was.

    1. Kaiser


      printing press thread?

  21. New Snapshot was released. Coal blocks are a thing now!!

    1. Wretched


      O_O Do want.

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