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Status Updates posted by moosehunter123

  1. All other minecraft servers work but lotc for me why do you do dis to me minecraft.

    1. Ariadne
    2. Neri


      Does it give an error?

    3. moosehunter123


      Yeah it does but all the fixes don't work.

  2. Um can anyone else join lotc?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. moosehunter123


      restarted 3 times...

    3. Nekkore


      Hmm... Either restart your own PC and join again. Or wait. Usually this thing for me takes almost no time for me.

    4. moosehunter123


      Still not working...


  4. Any one im just getting unknown host :( Need Help.

  5. Can't Resolve hostname anyone one else have the same problem?

  6. So Canada 1-0 #deal with it

  7. oh well good for her i was away on "troubles"

  8. JUst want to get some opions on a blade tht can be put into a gantlent and can be pulled it not a spring loaded blade like Assassin creed

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. moosehunter123


      time to go find some new weapons

    3. Lago


      Or use normal weapons?

    4. higgsyy


      I thought this was a joke....

      If you have lore then whatever. But I am yet to see any for that weapon

  9. Q8 theres another person on here with moose in their name *rage quites*

  10. *Hits the log in button 100 times* Why ddos'ers why must you ruin my roleplay" *Goes over to their houses takes a gun and shoots them* Wait don't i need a va?

  11. Lost my first set of diamond armour this fawking sucks

    1. Redbaron™


      It's pixels man

    2. Korvic


      Still sucks.

    3. Thrym


      But...it was beautiful blue pixels. Who would take someone's blue pixels!

  12. Lost my first set of diamond armour this fawking sucks

  13. Funny when your char needs to settle a score with someone and you can't find them.

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