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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by atticusmas

  1. Epic.
    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      . . . I didn't know her music could even be remotley good to my ears, but this is good. Well, anything Dubstep is good. Good eork :D

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      . . . I didn't know her music could even be remotley good to my ears, but this is good. Well, anything Dubstep is good. Good eork :D

  2. *battle of renatus starts* Brace yourselves, the ban reports are coming.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nononymous


      ^^ The battle has only just begun...

    3. atticusmas
    4. Nononymous


      ^^ That is what you think. The ban hammer is yet to be swung....

  3. *begins writing anti hero app :OOOOOOO

  4. *sigh. Someone on the forums comes daily to my profile to -1 my posts and 1 star me.

    1. Nononymous


      Who, I'm pretty sure that isn't allowed...

    2. Kiiztria


      I never have done that but ill go +1 ya if that means anything xD

    3. Kiiztria


      I never have done that but ill go +1 ya if that means anything xD

  5. *sigh.

    1. brvhrt1005


      *Sigh "You can now not hear my Sexy Voice on Team Speak

    2. Wobbajack
  6. *summons an army to take out the lagbeast, plays this song:

  7. Ah. You quit the server. Otherwise known as walking the dinosaur

  8. All my friends are either becoming villains or becoming a mori or leaving, Its all so depressing.

  9. Almost 500 posts 0.o


    1. hypercrit


      What happened?

    2. atticusmas


      Its gone, destroyed by undead

  11. Any ideas for a forum title?

    1. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      All I know is that mine has to be "Certified Ninja"

    2. Dat Meman46

      Dat Meman46

      Meman Fanboy


    3. AlphaCentaurus
  12. Azar, the junkyard fell. HUZZAH!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xmrsmoothx


      It's, uh, still there

    3. atticusmas


      Well its gonna be rebuilt. :P

    4. Raptorious


      lol i got waay too excited in that battle. Half my kills were friendlies :/

  13. Brent was permabanned from the server and from the forums -,- I'm quite mature.

  14. Brent, i did not give you one star. Please do not spread lies about me or say that i'm hating on derick. Go pm half the server if you want to talk to someone who hates on derick.

  15. Buycraft is down D:

  16. Can't find any good songs to sing for the creative cafe, therefore will not sing another.

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