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Status Replies posted by Dwarm

  1. Aw. Too muich to hope for that the Tuetons and Blackmonts simultaneously nuke eachother out of existance?

  2. Anybody else having horrible lag problems? Hoping it's the server

  3. .w. cat smeared pooped all over the floor... *eye twitch*

  4. http://xedtekofgo.pochta.ru/ctg-5-1.html Элитные проститутки сургута наибольшая активность в

    http://mibuvesot.hotbox.ru/ctg-16-1.html Проститутки самые дешёвые в москве

  5. Pain, comes in many forms. None as great as this. RIP higgsyy. You are my brother.

    1. Dwarm


      Wow, Ghazkull my condolences. He was a great guy and we will miss him.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. Pain, comes in many forms. None as great as this. RIP higgsyy. You are my brother.

  7. Well, Kazotar is dead, now I need a new char :/

  8. http://imgur.com/mgKrVpO Well people might guess who that is, just some speed art Panda did in 45 minutes, nothing too special~
  9. Great just been banned for a unknown reason

  10. For Orcs who don't know. Battle today at 5 EST

  11. Should I go on my Orc character or my Darkie?

  12. O: its decided im really gonna dye the tips of my hair aqua blue~

  13. I'm pretty disappointed in the orcs.

  14. Haha. I feel so old. I actually remember Shoi. XP Even drew a picture of her and Timayame once.

  15. Is it even possible to not miss aegis when you have tons of videos on youtube from those times......I wish we were still there

  16. Thanks!...Wait....Is it Thanksgiving again? Wheres my food?!

  17. Almost done my VA. It's currently 4,100 words.

  18. Is the temp server down for anyone else?

  19. Well, I utterly failed at making a server. Anyone wanna dominate a PvP server with me?

    1. Dwarm


      sure, gimme an ip and we'll kill em all

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. VA got accepted! Wooooooooooooooooot! Only for 2ac though, but I may make a mini-VA c:

  21. Soooooo...anyone knows when SWTOR will be free? I know it's today but at what time?

    1. Dwarm


      dammit i payed 70 bugs in total for that game!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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