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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Bawd

  1. bawd > will

  2. Bawd am shud blah tu Jingeh murr.

  3. blame sporadic

  4. Bod Claw: Mentally scarring children since 2012.

  5. Call of Lymdil: German Ops.

  6. Can I be old hat, seeing as Diamond VIP is near enough useless on the forums, and red is a prettier colour? .w.

    1. TheWhiteWolf


      I say good sir, one does not simply request to be graced by the presence of the Old Hat.

    2. Free The Hobbits
  7. Can someone help me with a bit of Elven? I'm worried this poem I've written makes no sense .w.

    1. Lago


      Try SupremacyOps or any of the high elves. They're really good at it.

  8. Character idea: Paranoid doomsayer. Yes or no?

  9. Charr or Asura on GW2?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee


      Asura Guardian all the way!

    3. Neri


      "We rip each day from life's teeth."

      - Charr.

      CHARR FTW.

    4. Bawd


      Asura Elementalist, Charr Guardian. Good choices?

  10. Clear your inbox .w.

  11. Congratulations to Roxforbraynz, who correctly guessed the colour of my underwear.

  12. Considering an Orc character. Anyone need a cub?

  13. Considering doing a livestream of some sort.

  14. Considering killing off my Kha.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrSyth


      Gtar is a *****.

      Finally said it.

    3. MrSyth


      My god. Can't say prostitute?

    4. MonkeyCoffee



      I said 'alt Kha'...

  15. Danny has 5,999 posts.

  16. Bawd

    Danny, Chromium Vanilla or Lime?

  17. Bawd

    Danny, give me channel admin damnit.

  18. Dante is a Broseus wannabe. He wasn't there, back in the day.

    1. Rom


      I remember it when it was an empty mountain range, with no structures, nothing. Just a very small melon farm. And Ellser setting up regions :3

  19. Darkjames drew dis http://i.imgur.com/TnaaJ.jpg

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