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Status Replies posted by gabriel101x1

  1. Not to be pushy or anything mods, but I just checked the App Team app forum, and some apps haven't been checked and were put in way back in April, dating back to April 9th. I am so sorry to say this, but please get going on this! If anyone needs any help I can help, but please, this is almost 4 months ago. I am not trying to be rude, but you guys need to know. Sorry all.


  3. MC 1.3 and prototype 2 (pc) today! Aww yea. But still no word on dawnguard for PC :(

  4. Is sitting down, alone in his bedroom, with nobody around,,,,*peeks left and right* "It's....ADVENTURE TIME!"

  5. We need to do a peace march against the ddosers :3 Love and happiness maaaan

  6. Woot! Haha I was accepted!! I'm on the best roleplay server it the minecraft universe!!!

  7. Damn we really need to find these Ddosers and kill.... *realises he doesn't have a VA* ..... I mean talk to them....

  8. Damn we really need to find these Ddosers and kill.... *realises he doesn't have a VA* ..... I mean talk to them....

  9. Found out someone stole my skin and is using it on LotC. Don't know what to do! Suggestions?

  10. To go into town tomorrow or not to go into town tomorrow...

  11. Server down? Time for Just Cause 2!

  12. What happens in the App Team chat, stays in the app team chat. Most of the time.

  13. Forgot to log out of LotC when I went to do other things, idling in a mob safe location. Come back and someone's killed me, and chat history has scrolled past the death message. -.-

  14. Anyone think my video should be put on the LoTC channel?

  15. When is the normal age for an elf to leave his home? Also, can you make a new character if you decide that you don't like your current one?

  16. Are we allowed to Download the Auslon world using World Downloader for Videos and Such things?

  17. Are we allowed to Download the Auslon world using World Downloader for Videos and Such things?

  18. Was working on a magic app....accidentally deleted everything.....Just great.......

  19. Looking at the Celestrial Dreams members list it seems that EVERY player that has ever left LoTC is now with them....

  20. Looking at the Celestrial Dreams members list it seems that EVERY player that has ever left LoTC is now with them....

  21. Just filmed over 20GB of LoTC awesomeness.... Aww yea. Now to edit together and put some music with it, then upload it.

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