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Status Replies posted by gabriel101x1

  1. Goin' to play airsoft in a bit. Wish me luck!

  2. Spent 3 days working on my magic app, accidentally hit paste and *poof* all gone. Undo button's not doing anything either, sigh

  3. Just a note to people. Please do not +1 apps.

  4. Guys, Temp character ideas that don't need a VA or MA. Chuck 'em in the comments and I'll play one.

  5. I'm a Haelphon

  6. I wish I could RP a cactus.

  7. Is that LotC factions server ever going to be released?

  8. Got offered a job doing javascript programming for a firm. Yay! now I can get some money!

  9. My mother was just murdered in RP and I just found out. My character is only 4 years old. I feel so sad...

  10. Going to be looking at AT apps soon - Seems we need somebody who is online at this time, as most are asleep or at school.

  11. Soooooo, who wants to be my apprentice for the App Team?

  12. I don't like using blocks of water for my crops. It doesn't make sense to have a pool of random water stay forever in the ground. I do it the old fashion way; Rain.

  13. Me like. "Sneaking with an iron/wood door shields you from enemy attacks. "


  15. Damnit (insert place where I live) Y U so cold?!?!

  16. Anybody else here excited for Starbound?

  17. ^o^ I have had a good time today on this server, I like it a lot. :3

  18. I've only donated $25. Jah, I'm cheap :3

  19. This is not what you should think of when applying for the server. It will just get you banned.

  20. So, how old is your girlfriend on a scale of 1-10?

  21. So, how old is your girlfriend on a scale of 1-10?

  22. Night LOTC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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