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Status Replies posted by gabriel101x1

  1. Any awesome FMs out there want to change my member title to "Dat cutie" (without quotes).... There will be a cookie prize!

  2. Any awesome FMs out there want to change my member title to "Dat cutie" (without quotes).... There will be a cookie prize!

  3. 4 more days until Winter holidays...can't come quicker.

  4. Listening to Power Rangers themed songs in class with headphones. Life is good.

  5. Can we remove "Applications" from the "New Topics Added" list, it is kind of spammy.

  6. Vaq.. Should code a seasons plugin~

  7. Fun fact: I can't sleep when I am nervous.

  8. Your daily stig quote of the day is: "Some say...that one of his legs get longer when he sees a pretty lady...and that his genitals are upside down....All we know is, he's called the stig.

  9. *Sees that ''Josh

  10. My AT app is taking a nap on the third page of the apps so I'm helping out newbs in the wandering soul chat :I

  11. My AT app is taking a nap on the third page of the apps so I'm helping out newbs in the wandering soul chat :I

  12. What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

  13. The sun has risen, one of my favorite times to crawl into bed ~

  14. *Throws his dagger at yet another application.* Whose next?

  15. The glitch that suffocates me whenever I sit down is really starting to annoy me -_- It keeps suffocating me then spawning me in a desert, any help to solve this?

  16. has awaken with a hangover. Feels like death. Still needs to study for exam!

  17. You all laugh because I'm different - I laugh because you're all the same. ;)

  18. Can we shoot the bad trolls, please? oh and imho, FMs who suck at trolling should get demoted, they have to set an example after all :D

  19. I've become ever more curious about RP in World of Warcraft..

  20. Eating some fudge and drinking soda before I go to sleep is probably the best idea ever. /sarcasm

  21. Endermen are killed by gold swords , right? They still god damn counterattack.

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