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Status Updates posted by Soran

  1. And my Literary Analysis of The Road is complete. I am officially done with schoolwork save for final exams. Time to go watch Nyan Cat for 10 hours to escape the gloomy atmosphere for a bit :D

  2. Can't talk on Skype right now as I am heading off to work (Plus my mic is wonky atm XD). If you want we can talk through PMs which I can access from my phone during lulls and then when I get home I can hop on Skype XD

  3. College Essay, y u no write yourself.

  4. Dat awkward moment when a flock of sheep decide to take residence in my attic.

    1. Slic3man


      Dat moment when blankets will never be needed again.

  5. Dat awkward moment when on Senior Skip Day, two seniors show up to school.

    1. Everman111


      lol That's a fail.

    2. gabriel101x1


      I showed up to school on a public holiday. Not even knowing it was a holiday....

  6. Dat Feel when cooking Chicken for 2 hours and wonder why its not cooked and you realize you never turned the oven on.

  7. Diablo...or Future Soldier...Diablo or Future Soldier...DIABLO OR FUTURE SOLDIER!?

    1. Ursolon


      Lord of the Craft.

    2. Raptorious



  8. Diamond Clad Warships, someone get on that

  9. Essay! Prepare to be printed!

    1. 0000



      Essay! Prepare to be printed later!

    2. EmeraldStag


      Power Point, Prepare to be moved to a to a flash drive.

  10. Essay! Prepare to be written!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CowsGoMoo



      Spare the blank .docs!

      Let it be blank for one more day!




    3. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Yep. I'm about to write one too. Mine's due in about... 7 hours...

    4. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Yep. I'm about to write one too. Mine's due in about... 7 hours...

  11. Essay! You have been written!

    1. JoakimVonAnka


      Essay! You have not been written! .-.

    2. EmeraldStag


      History research powerpoint, you have not been created T_T.

  12. Get a job, like a boss. Start the next day, like a boss. Get a job a block from your house, win.

  13. Hatfields and McCoys, very good show so far :D

  14. History Research Paper Due Wednesday? "Not a Problem!" -All other teacher assign projects due Wednesday- "WHAT THE HELL!"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      What is the History Paper about?

    3. Soran


      The Manhattan Project aka the United States’s Atomic Bomb program

      From the first successful fission of Uranium and the 1937 warning letter from Einstein to FDR in regards to German stockpiling of Uranium to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the start of the Cold War/Arms Race.

      The focus is more on the Manhattan Project however, so I’ll be focusing on the key individuals like Grooves and Oppenheimer and basing the majority of it in Los Alamos, New Mexico. I just need t...

    4. Soran


      to figure out how to get enough information for 7 pages worth of writing D:

  15. I am now a beardless heathen...WOE IS ME!

  16. I definitely have a problem when I start to re-write the lyrics to “Officer Krupke” from West Side Story to fit with Asulon…Someone save me!

  17. I herd u like polls

    1. 0000


      Aye or Nay?

  18. I need a drink...

    1. Soran


      non-alcoholic of course.

    2. izaN


      ^Riiiight. ;)

  19. I think I have learned everything possible on the Manhattan Project...now its time to write college essays! lololololol -throws labtop out of a window-

    1. nppeck


      Why was it called the manhattan project?

  20. Kilts

    1. EmeraldStag


      FRilly dresses.

    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Why is a kilt called a kilt?, because a scotsman kilt the last man who called a skirt

  21. May I take your hat sir?

  22. Mobs gone...I still blame the plague

    1. Tee-Tree


      The mobs are returning I found lots on my little adventure

  23. My beard is neither large enough or curly enough to hold a spoon in...I am disappoint.

    1. Tunika04


      Would you like that shaken or stirred?

  24. So apparently Skravian fountains are fascist now...damn it all.

    1. Soran


      Let the record show that it is probably Barry's fault. Or his dead wives'.

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