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Status Replies posted by tomahawk90

  1. Can't log back in, to those I was RPing with, it'll have to wait / be voided.

    1. tomahawk90


      very well written first post to get the discussion going, well done. I have no opinion as I do not know anything about that order, but very well done on your part.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Any good TV shows to recommend? Running out of stuff to watch.

    1. tomahawk90


      homeland. Littered with awards, 5 golden globes, 8,6 on IMDb.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. I've been thinking for a bit, how does Leoben Patrick WindRaker sound as a name change from Blundermore Patrick WindRaker?

    1. tomahawk90


      That changed because of the hobbit then I presume? Is he in there? I have yet to see it.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  4. Anyone else reading those "Jack Reacher" books? "Killing Floor" is great! May have just found a new second-favourite author!

    1. tomahawk90


      ok, I already replied but it disappeared.. so, what is your favourite and why would you recommend these?

  5. With more and more items so easily obtained the economy will crash. We need an amazing economy in 3.0

  6. I had to say goodbye to my childhood dog today after we found her unable to eat anymore. Goodbye Zoie

    1. tomahawk90


      Sorry to hear, its stunning how you will never forget a pet, they are like family members.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. I've been thinking for a bit, how does Leoben Patrick WindRaker sound as a name change from Blundermore Patrick WindRaker?

    1. tomahawk90


      Leoben or Leomore do not appeal to me, Furdighast immediatly makes me think of Radagast, I like Rhunnivar best (Furdighast is also good though imo)

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  8. I've been thinking for a bit, how does Leoben Patrick WindRaker sound as a name change from Blundermore Patrick WindRaker?

    1. tomahawk90


      I understand this may be different for those reading the lore without knowing the name, but I think that won't be that bad. Its hard for me to explain.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  9. I've been thinking for a bit, how does Leoben Patrick WindRaker sound as a name change from Blundermore Patrick WindRaker?

    1. tomahawk90


      Have you considered that the name "blundermore" may have become much more then just a contraction of two words, because of an important figure having this name? It has become more of a name then the meaning of the two words you combined, at least to me

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  10. I want some people on this server to put a toothpick between their pinky toenail and kick a wall as hard as they can. :)

    1. tomahawk90


      how did you even come up with that.... the thought alone, r..

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. What Version is LoTC in? I downgraded back to 1.3.2 and keeps saying outdated by clinet

  12. We need to organise evenings when the community can do stuff together like watch anime or play board games...

  13. Help, I cant find any place to ask for help in adding some features to a server.. I know there are people here who know if what I want is possible and how, but where to ask?

    1. tomahawk90


      thank you Liri, I have taken it to the minecraft thread ;)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Anyone have an idea for a large nature-based project?

    1. tomahawk90


      rocky mountains! I always wondered hoe to pull that one of without it being very dull.

  15. yay another scooter accident!...err...I mean.... FFFFFF another scooter accident where I got hurt!

  16. Does anyone know how often the dynamic map gets updated

    1. tomahawk90


      I don't even know where to find it, could you point me there?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Should we still get minas from voting? If yes, who should I contact how, to ask why my money is all gone and I'm not getting any from voting? thanks!

    1. tomahawk90


      thank you good sir. The post says everyone else gets 500M, did that happen?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. does anyone know: what does MC actually do when it converts worlds to anvil? Scale the map, heighten it, a combination?

    1. tomahawk90


      well, I havent tried or experienced problems myself, I just want to be ahead of trouble here;)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Went driving for a couple hours to think. I enjoy just aimlessly driving about. Ended up going to Chicago. ^^ Got some yummy foods! Back home now.

    1. tomahawk90


      thank god for the little bumps on the road haha. I had the same, after 5 days of 10h working at 4am, woke up and could just avoid crashing into a big sign indicating an exit from the highway, lost my right side-mirror to the sign.. But long roads do make one sleepy, you should go small back roads with little stone bridges and nice bends!;)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. HAHAHA YES! The teachers are striking monday tusday wednesday, I have a field trip thursday and Friday (overnight trip) and the next two weeks are spring break!!!!

  21. Went driving for a couple hours to think. I enjoy just aimlessly driving about. Ended up going to Chicago. ^^ Got some yummy foods! Back home now.

    1. tomahawk90


      ow, you made me miss my car again, thank you very much. I loved doing that, especially at 4am when you can speed a bit without the risk of putting others in danger. And at junctions be like "would this road go where I want to end up? whatever, it doesnt have street lights so here goes"

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. So we've got a tornado or two ripping through the state right now. It's not even the tornado i'm worried about, its about whether or not I can spend a few hours locked in a house with the rest of my family.

    1. tomahawk90


      Be safe! It is pretty weird to think tornados are so normal to you that you worry more about being locked up then the tornado itself, while the only experience I have with them are from discovery channel (European)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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