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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by Supremacy

  1. I feel the urge to do something lore productive, but there is nothing productive I can find to be done.

  2. What if we were to remove the "work it out" rule in ban reports and only reserve it for new players?

  3. What if we were to remove the "work it out" rule in ban reports and only reserve it for new players?

  4. Things I learnt today: Describing a wound as "*****" (as in, full of pus) sets off a GM alert. Note to self: In the future use the term "purulent" to describe such wounds.

  5. Any lore master willing tobe Q'n'A'd about lore stuffs and talk about a couple proposals?

  6. Furthermore, I think I want to write lore on types of ink.

  7. I think I'll make a new character! A poet!

  8. In the case of magic draining— Technically the name "Ailer'tayna" was dropped for being... Well... Terrible... It means "Mage of Magic" in Elven, which was why the other names caught on. I saw a post on this by Emerick... Thought I might comment here since the post was locked. The name was temporary, which is why the more correct and other names took its place.

  9. copper, tin and other IRL metals are not within the server, yes? The only existing metals are arcanum and ferrum, to my knowledge.

  10. copper, tin and other IRL metals are not within the server, yes? The only existing metals are arcanum and ferrum, to my knowledge.

  11. poking my head in for a couple of days or two while i have free time. ^^ get me up to speed.

  12. Crystal meth is already in LotC, and does not require lore. GG Redbench and Alpine.

  13. Is told to ask via pm's, trys to, Kalenz is not able to recieve new pm's at this time....DAFAQ?

  14. Anyone down to watch my 4.0 Worldpaint livestream in an hour or two?

  15. Being told I'm the chosen one, A) It's an event or something B)I'm gonna be sacrificed to the dark gods of the high elves

  16. Who is Oren's new leader? What is his forum name?

  17. Who is Oren's new leader? What is his forum name?

  18. newss fflash: pointing out fallacies when people are trying to argue, is a fallacy in itself and counter productive to everyone. Either argue or stop nitpicking at peoples argument

  19. http://prntscr.com/1ly22i At least the White Rose didn't build a wall -over- the road! >:I
  20. Going to start a Let's Play. Location ideas for filming please.

  21. Would you rather loose your computer, or have it fully reset back to factory setting with every precious bit of data you had on there erased?

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