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Enyahs V.

Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Enyahs V.

  1. I just had a thought...What I just posted might be the first RP petition on the server...Wasn't meant to be one, but funny.

  2. I just had the most awesome roleplay with the high elves. Talk philosophy and theroes for four hours straight. I love playing a high elf engineer!

    1. Shadeleaf


      But then again, what is awesome, someone

      may think that awesome is horriable,

      yet how do we think... we are currently

      thinking about thought, and taht requires

      the physical and mental capabilites to think

      ,yet this is what we are thinking about,

      what happens if we live life... Life

      is therefore a paradox that can't exist

      due to it's circular nature.

      Talk to the darkelf, not the highelf...

    2. #Flexave


      Join the club ;)

  3. I just handed my table that I keep my printer on to thepeople who are helping us. Now that space between my desk and the walls feels so empty.

  4. I just realised I accidentally started play guitar when I was on TS....Sorry pudclud!

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I wish I could go on ts...

    2. Pudclud


      T'was quite good actually.

  5. I just realized something. Enyahs is the son of an insane woodelf. A very nice high elf mother. married to a half elf and became a dark elf in an accident. oh! And lives with the mori. Any elven races I missed? (does this mean my children are every kind of elf except mor?i) xD

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      Ps. We need aquatic elves o.O

  6. I know rep doesn't relly matter but you don't deserve a -1. fixed :3

  7. I need you to come online for some rp.

  8. I now amazing engineer 42. I am an amazing engineer yes. But I am also the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog


  9. I shall play you song of my people

  10. I sleep until 2 pm. so keep it down when you are all screaming in terror from your timely deaths. Thank you.

  11. I sure hope you have notifications on your phone or something. Cause I am back! :D and I misses you :'(

  12. I swear if I dont find someone to talk to when I wake up at 10 am I am going to have to make a VA for my IRL actions ._.

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      you don't need a VA for IRL actions.

      But you might want a good excuse.

  13. I updated my picture and avatar! Like em? :)

  14. I will make this short since noone give a crap abotu me anyway. Goodbye

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lym


      Awh :(

      Take care, mate~

    3. Djinne
    4. Wheatley


      D: Enyahs, NOO! I never got the chance to tell you I love you...again.

  15. I will say something here instead of making a post...which I am afraid will cause more drama. But, Alec has left. It my duty as a guide though to give the correct answer though.

  16. I'm sailing away~

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      Set an open course, for the virgin see~

    2. Spinzir


      You said virgin, lul.

  17. Iblees curse to the Kha http://imgur.com/gallery/xpwb9xO

    1. Ryski


      I rofl'd...

    2. Merkaken
    3. bloodofgore


      Is that why modern day Kha are always chasing the red dots? Damn you Iblees!

  18. Idea fora song: Gangnam style,Orcish instead of asain, and it says "Bungo Style"

  19. If you could take 3 intelligent character with you on a boat to get the nether out of Asulon. Who would you pick? You have until Enyahs discovers the undead are back.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      Aleryn, Ellser, and Rusen, of course. Who else would I take?

    3. JCQuiinn


      Aleryn, Ellser, and Rusen, of course. Who else would I take?

    4. Volutional


      Rogash, Rogash and more Rogash

      [Rogash = Jack Sparrow.. ]

  20. In 206 days I will be 21. Need I say more about what will be there? No >.>

  21. interedting. When minecraft goes down people post longer statuses. Therefore it is more deatailed. How come people are never this inspired in game?!

  22. Interesting turn of events today. But I think it is for the best.

  23. Interesting....A crash?

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